A Sixth Harmony Christmas part two

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Camila's P.O.V
I said "like what Ally cat". She said "for starters, we still need to read Demi's book and sing Christmas songs and open Christmas Eve gifts". We sat up knowing that we would not be able to sleep until we did at least some of Ally's demands. Except for Dinah could sleep but she sat up to.

Normani asked Ally "what do you want to do first". Ally shrugged her shoulders. Demi said "I need to grab something" excusing herself. We waited for her to come back but before she did Lauren left. We all decided to go up to our rooms. I wanted to get the gifts for the girls from their hiding spots. You can never be to careful so each gift was hidden in a different spot. I wanted to bring them down before we went to bed. It Doesn't feel right with them hidden away on Christmas Eve.

I found the last present after standing on my dresser with a stool on top. Probably not the safest choice but hey no one found it. I brought the pile of presents and placed them under the tree. Everyone was back and sitting on the couch. I must of taken longer than I thought getting the gifts. There was two gifts under the tree that had matching wrapping paper but it was all different from the rest. All the rest of the gifts had wrapping paper that matched four others but not those two.

Demi handed each of us a gift before taking one for herself from under the tree. Each gift was wrapped differently. I read the tag on mine, it said "to Camila from Mom, Dad and Sofi". They had each written there own signature. I knew because Mom was written in my moms swirly hand writing, my dad's was in block letters but neat and tidy and Sofi was written in big letters sloppily but better than her normal print. I smiled at the tag. The rest of the girls were doing the same.

I pulled on the big green shiny bow and pulled it off of the package. I tore one side of the paper warping than the other. I pulled out a cardboard box and opened it. Inside was my Santa hat that I made when I was four, my red stocking with glitter and sequins scattered across it, it was another creation of my childhood. I took both items out and placed them beside me.

Underneath there was decorations swaddled in bubble wrap. I took each one out and examined them closely one by one. There was a glass ball filled with melted blue, yellow and green crayon , Sofi must of made it because I'd never seen it before. I smiled at the handmade ornament that I knew my sister had put a lot of work into.

I took out the next bubble wrapped package. It was a black miniature microphone. There was more to it though, there was button on the bottom. I pressed it and it played our version of All I Want For Christmas Is You. There was a hatch next to the button. I opened it and a note fell out.

It said "this microphone was given to Camila Cabello in honour of her successful year on December, 24, 2014. Her group Fifth Harmony released two EPs and three singles. They went on three tours and worked on their album Reflection which will be released next year. Sadly she wasn't able to spend Christmas with us, her family but she did spend it with her idol and the woman who helped put her group together Demi Lovato and her Group. They are her second family and there is nobody we would rather she be spending the holidays with. Lots of love Mom and Dad, Sinuhe and Alejandro".

Soft tears were falling from my eyes. My family loves me so much and I have had so much success this year, that note just really brought everything right in front of me. I whispered to the universe hoping that somehow they would here me "I love you Mom and Dad thanks for being here for me". The girls all had similar gifts and tears as I did.

I opened the last bubble wrapped package. It was an ornament from my very young childhood, a metal star with a message inscribed into the back "take a breath look foreword and go for it". It was from my late grandpa who I only met a few times when I was to young to remember. He gave that to me on my first Christmas.

We dried our tears and Demi read 'Twas the night before Christmas while we softly played Christmas music in the background. When she finished we all went to bed (while dreams of sugarplums danced in our heads.) after we laid out are stockings. I drifted off into a exhaustion fuelled sleep.

6 girls one roof (Demi Lovato, Fifth Harmony)Where stories live. Discover now