Chapter 12

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Who was Catherine?
His girlfriend who he had lost touch with,no actually,he broke all means of communication with her.

What was I thinking? George thought.

After dropping her the previous day after their reunion which he  had organized all because of her,she didn't seem to be affected at all by his presence,the icy silence  and cold shoulder was all he got.

He knew he deserved it and she was already with Dike, who was I kidding, getting her back was going to be a big task.

Many things made us separate and he told his mum and Natasha never to tell her,he wanted to tell her when he  wanted,it was just an annoying story which he hated to tell people.

His day at work was crowded with thoughts of the girl that had stolen his  heart,he couldn't get her off his head and once work closed,he deceided to visit the nearest tennis court,he  really needed to play something before he ran mad.

The tennis court was just as usual,it was a VIP are so he saw lots of people he knew who were from rich homes,the popular spoilt kids and the industrious young billionaires .

George was jostled from his  thoughts when he saw Dike,he had totally forgotten that he always came to the court to unwind.

"Hey bro"He called out and he did the bro handshake with him.

"How are you doing,we hardly see you here"He noted

"I just have a lot on my mind lately" George replied and Dike gave him a quizzical look which he did not miss.

"I've honestly been meaning to ask you a question?"

George seemed really interested in knowing. They both walked along a path,with bats in their hands.

"Do you still have feelings for Catherine my girlfriend? I discovered you guys dated in the past,you didn't even tell me"Dike queried.

"Guy am sorry,I just didn't think it was important"George apologised

Dike sighed

"So do you still have feelings for my girlfriend?"Dike asked again

George stood still,he was definitely not expecting such direct question from Dike,heck,he still had feelings for Catherine but he couldn't possibly say that to Dike. He might just throw a tantrum and moreover he knew how Dike behaved when angry.

"No,I don't have any feelings for her,it's all in the past"George replied. If only Dike could read his mind.

"You know I wouldn't betray you man, we've been friends since the 90's"George added since Dike still had doubts written all over his face.

"I know bro,the thing is that I really love Catherine"Dike confessed and then George managed to hide the scowl.

"I understand"George said in a quiet voice that was barely audible. Who wouldn't love Catherine,she was beautiful, industrious and everything he wanted.

Dike fist bumped him and then went ahead to play tennis with a guy. George's mood was definitely ruined. He turned away and drove home,he was definitely going to visit the bar to take some shots.


Drinking was the perfect way Catherine decided to take her mind off things, hell she couldn't believe what Dike had done. She drowned one shot of whiskey, it was truly refreshing.

"Why would you cook late,I know if George was your boyfriend,you would have cooked on time"He yelled.

"What concerns George with this issue and moreover I told you I had an appointment"

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