19-his end of the deal

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Very important all must reply: so I need a character for some important scenes is BRIGHTGULF ok for you guys.... I really need a character so If not Bright who do you guys want...

Pleas comment about it.... or I will go with Brightgulf



The sound was music to everyone's ears now.... Mew was not dead, yet. Even after pulling all the life supports apart... Mew was alive...for Gulf it's as if he himself was brought back from the dead.... were his prayers have been answered? though he was not a believer of God, he only made one request to him and his wish almost came true.... though it took time, it came true... he had a small smile on his face with tears still rolling down... he walked up to Mew and took hold of his hands.

Gulf: Thank you p' for not giving up.....please dont give up now...

As the doctors and everyone waited for Mew's health to decline and flatline again, which never came... doctors waited 24 hours to confirm that Mew was indeed stable and progressing.... 

As a week passed still Mew hasn't woke up.... Gulf didnt know whether to be sad or happy.... sad that Mew hasn't opened his eyes even though his health was progressing and happy that his health was progressing.... and also picked up the old habit of staying bedside beside Mew, day and night...

1 week later

On the phone.

Gulf: hello..

"I want you to come home today"

Gulf rolled his eyes. It was his father, he would call if he wanted some business to be taken care off... he sighed... and looked at his p'Mew.... he went near him, brushed the lightly overgrown hair out of his face and interlocked his fingers with Mew's slender, more fragile fingers, rubbing gentle circles on  his hands

Gulf: p' I have some work na, I will go do it and come back soon. Dont wait for me na, if you want to wake up, wake up anytime, I will come rushing back, however busy Iam...but please wake up..

With that said he gently pressed a kiss on p'Mew's forehead.... he doesn't want to leave but it was his father who has called him directly not through any secretary so it must be important business... he should finish it soon and come back was his last thoughts before he left the hospital....

At Gulf's father house:

          As Gulf entered the house he noticed his brother and his stepmother were also present.... he is now in good terms with his brother infact with all the crazy things going on in his life Gulf found a way of stress reliever in his brother... when life gets hard for him Gulf would take Gent and disappear for few days...... as for his stepmother, he can tolerate her and stay in the same room and be civil... but his father is a different story, he stopped calling him dad or pa when he divorced his mother, not because he supports his mother but he was never a dad, everything was business to him, then he formally called him father but after the deal he stopped calling him father too...

    His father took the chance when Gulf was at his lowest, to make the deal and control him... which father would do that, so he stopped calling him father and apted to call him Sir, which Gulf found his father didnt even care...

G's father: let's have lunch

He said bringing Gulf out of his thoughts. It was not a question, it was an order and Gulf nodded...

As everyone settled for the lunch

Gulf: so what business I need to take care of now.

G's father: let's talk after lunch

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