Honey Pie pt2

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A loud slam rang through the whole house, causing me to awaken. What the fuck?

Almost immediately afterwards, there was a shriek. Quickly, I ran downstairs to find Y/n, on the floor, blood leaking everywhere from her arms as she sobbed.

"What the hell did you do!?" She cried.

"I didn't do anything! Come here, I'll... I'll clean you up, it'll be okay." I mostly said to calm myself down too. I took her hand, helping her up, and walking her up the stairs to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet seat as I sat at the edge of the bathtub. As I helped her, something felt off. There was no chill when I touched her. My eyes curiously looked at her face.

"What are you looking at?"

"Your skin, it's not grey anymore. Your eyes have color too," She looked at me strangely, "You're breathing! Oh honey pie, I think you're alive!" I cheered.

"What!? How can this be!? Ryan, what the fuck did you do to me!?"

"I didn't do anything to you! I promise." I held her hand in mine, her arms were now wrapped in bandages.

"Then how did this happen?" She asked, I thought back to the man I saw yesterday. I should tell her about that...

"I never thought this would actually happen. I'm alive." She said, really realizing the situation.

"Is that a good thing?"

"I think so." She smiled.

"Is there anything you need? I mean, I've never seen anyone come back to life so, do you need food? Or something?" I asked.

"As of right now, I don't think so," She got up and looked at herself in the mirror, "Woah, this is freaky."

"What?" I stood beside her.

"My hair, it's... it's damp," She held a lock of hair in front of her eyes, "It still smells like bubble bath, I still smell like bubble bath. What the fuck?"

"Weird," I began to think, "It's like your body was frozen in time or something."

"You think so?" She asked, playing with her hair, "Whatever it is, it's very strange."

"Honey pie, I really need to tell you something, I-" As I began, I was almost immediately interrupted by an intrusive little kitten meowing outside the open door.

"Aww, Birthday!" Y/n walked towards the kitten, to pick her up. Birthday dodged her and ran to the bedroom, Y/n followed, I did as well. Birthday jumped onto the bed, laying comfortably while Y/n sat next to her head stroking the orange cat. I joined them, sitting at the head of the bed with my back against the wall.

"Awww!" Birthday yawned and slowly wagged her tail. My phone buzzed so I picked it up, there was a text from Pete.

Pete: Has anything happened!?

Pete:Like the witch person said?

Me: Yeah something happened, I'll tell you later

Pete: don't keep me waiting! I must know!

Me: I'll tell you later! It'll be a lot easier to tell you irl

Pete: Fine >:(

I looked up from my phone just as Y/n flicked her hand at something. A frustrated look came across her face as she tried again, and then again.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to get the music box to work!"

"You're gonna have to get up and do it."

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