let loose

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After my long flight, I was finally home in Sydney. I got my luggage and got a text from Chloe saying she was outside. I wheeled my suitcase out of the airport until I saw Chloe's car. I walked towards the car and she got out. Our embrace was long awaited, I was excited because I missed my best friend so much. We put my bags in the back of her car and drive to my apartment here. "So why are you here?" Chloe asked as we started on the main road. I was nervous, even tho I know I shouldn't be. I fidgeted with my fingers and I think Chloe noticed because she held my hand. "I- I had everything going perfectly fine. Until I broke my leg everything went downhill from there. Yeah the therapy was fine and everything like that but coming back to game. It just wasn't clicking. I did not feel the same out there. Then the media, don't get me started." I said and sighed and looked out the window. "Well one do not ever listen to the media, it is just there to get in your head. It is always rough coming back from an injury like that. I mean look at Hayley it took her a while to get back in her grove, she still gets nervous sometimes when she goes out onto the field. It comes with the injury." She dropped the subject seeing I was a bit down, but I did not expect her to pull up to an ice cream shop and get us ice cream. I thanked her for the cone with sprinkles. "Well it is the fist thing to do in the birthday tradition." she said with a cheeky smile spread across her face. With everything going on I completely forgot about my birthday tomorrow. But I did not want the birthday tradition. Every year for Chloe and I's birthdays we would get ice cream then we would go get lunch. Not that bad right. But around 10ish we would head to a party and get completely wasted. Like I mean I would hardly remember anything. "Dude, you need to let loose. Just one night, we have not done this in years. One night for the two of us." she said. I was a bit worried but eventually gave in. "Okay fine fine. But no eating before because we all know what happened last time." I said and Chloe just laughed remembering her puking in a pool last time. 


I got to my apartment and Chloe went to hers that was down the street. I looked around and realized I hadn't been here for a while. I walked to my room and I plopped on my bed and sighed. I have been here for like an hour and I already feel at peace, yet also relaxed. There wasn't a lot of stress on me to be perfect. I was able to be myself. I unpacked my suitcase and put my belongings away, and started to get ready for tonight. I took a shower than did my hair. Chloe ended up coming over with her outfit and we got ready. Chloe went in a dress, and I went in jeans and a tank top. We looked at ourselves and left. As we got closer to our destination, I started to re-think going to this party. 

A New BeginningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ