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I had just landed back in Barcelona after being away with the national team for Olympic Qualification. We had won all 3 of our games, and next we played Vietnam but that wasn't for a while. I walked through the airport to baggage claim to get my stuff. I was waiting for my bag to come when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Mapi there with a huge smile on her face. I pull her into a hug, embracing each other after 2 weeks. We pulled away and I grabbed my bag. "Hey." I said as I looked at Mapi. "hey." I looked at her and it gave me butterflies in my stomach. "Are you hungry?" she asked and I nodded. "Well lets get you something to eat." she said grabbing my hand and walking towards the exit of the airport. I couldn't stop thinking about the butterflies I got when we hugged, how much I missed seeing her face, it all came rushing to me about how much I missed her. We got to her car and got in, my car had been picked up by Ana since hers broke down. "So how was going back home?" Mapi asked me as we started to drive away. "It was actually really good, got to see my friends, and other teammates I don't see often. Plus playing in front of a home crowd is amazing, then the first cap and goal stuff." I told the Spaniard we talked more about the trip and everything then the dreaded conversation came up. "So that girl who was at your apartment is your ex girlfriend?" Mapi just said randomly. I took a deep breath "Yes, yes she is. We dated while I was in Portland. It started off good, then she got very abusive once I got drafted, the more money I had the worse it got. She would steal from me, use me for sex, verbally and physically abuse me. It went on for about a year until one time it got really bad, I left but before I did I got a serious beating she ended up breaking a few of my ribs. It was bad, Ana knows the story because she was there for me the entire time. She gave me a place to live when I was practically homeless. Anyways it had been about a year since I saw her, she called me the other day saying she would see me soon, that was the day you took me out. It just bought back a lot of memories thats why I was a little off the entire day. Thats why I didn't kiss you, but Mapi I like you so so much. Its just i have no idea if I am ready for a relationship. And now that she knows where I live, I am scared to go back to my apartment. What if she odes something to me?" I said letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. Mapi reached over the console and grabbed my hand. "hey it will all be okay, I am here now. I will protect you at all cost. Nobody should ever have treated such a kind, beautiful, talented person like that. You are so amazing and that ex of yours is a piece of shit. You are so strong Arin, so strong. Also I won't rush you into anything, ill wait for you. No matter how long it takes I'll wait." she said and held my hand a little tighter. "Mapi I am scared tho." I said my voice cracking. "Look, you can come sleep at my place if you want to, or I could sleep over at yours. Like I said I'll be there for you. No matter what." she said and I just smiled at her. She turned to me and wiped my tears from my face. 

We ended up picking up takeout, and going back to my place. We made sure Julia was not there. Mapi kept her promise of staying with me. We were watching a movie and just hanging out. We laughed whenever a funny part of a movie came on. I was dozing in and out of sleep, while leaning on Mapi. Eventually I got super tired and ended up falling asleep in Mapi's lap. But before I could fully fall asleep I felt Mapi kiss my forehead and whisper "I love you." I smiled on the inside and went to sleep peacefully.   

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