a new beginning

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I woke up in Mapi's arms, and I smiled to myself. I untangled myself from her arms and went to my room to take a shower. Memories of last night came rushing back to me and it just made me all smiley on the inside. I felt like that teenage girl who was telling her best friends about her crush. I turned on the water and got undressed. I stepped into the water, it hit me and it was so refreshing. I felt tension in my mussels release, I felt relaxed. I took a quick shower and then changed into regular clothes. I walked back out into the living room and I saw Mapi sitting on the couch stretching her arms. She opened her eyes and saw me standing there she smiled and got up and hugged me. "Good morning." I mumbled into her neck she replied with the same two words. We released from the hug and just looked at each other, the trance was broken by a knock at the door. I started to get panicked, Mapi took noticed and told me everything was fine. She went to the peephole and looked outside. "Its her." she said and I started to get shaky. "Arin I know you are fucking in their you slut!" Hearing her words made memories come back. "Hey, Hey every-" Mapi was interrupted by loud banging on my door which caused me to jump. "Everything will be alright. I need you to get a bag together of clothes and wait in your room and close the door and lock it. If you hear screaming or if I yell out your name you call the cops. I am going to call Alexia to come down here." Mapi said and I nodded, I turned to go to my room but quickly turned back and kissed Mapi. We looked at each other but it went away again with the banging. 

Mapi's POV:

I got on the phone with Alexia and told her to come downstairs and she said she was on her way. I took a deep breath before opening the door. "Where the fuck is Arin?" the girl in front of me said. "I don't know who you're talking about." I replied trying to stay calm and keep Arin out of danger. "Look I know that little slut is in there!" she now yelled and tried to push through me, but I didn't budge. I saw Alexia and had some random idea "Hey babe!" I said as I pulled Alexia into a hug. She gave me an awkward look but she went along with it. "Look I don't know what fucking game you guys are playing but I know Arin is in there. I will come back everyday and I will see her and I will her her back in my possession." Julia practically spat out. "You will not see her, you will not talk to her, you will also not lay a hand on her. If I ever, I mean ever see you again, and you endanger her you will regret it." I said and Julia scoffed and walked away. I closed the door and practically ran to the bedroom where Arin was. She had multiple bags packed. "I- I don't feel safe here." she said breaking down and holding onto me. I rubbed her back and Alexia sat on the bed near me. "I understand. You can come stay with me." Mapi offered "I- I don't know." I said and got up and walked out to my balcony, Alexia came up and put her hand on my shoulder. "Whats wrong pequena?" she said which made me chuckle a but. "I- I'm just scared. I have done everything in my power to get rid of her, everything. But nothing works, she fines away to always come out not guilty. One reason why I came to Spain was to get away from her, Portland bought memories of her even Australia. Spain was supposed to be a fresh start, a new beginning but I haven't gotten that. Plus, I feel like I'm hurting Mapi throughout this, you don't know how badly I want her. She is impossible to get off my mind, but I can't pull myself to date her. I am just so scared, of a lot of things. I don't want to get hurt again." I said and by this point I felt like I was crying but no tears were coming out. I just stared at the city of Barcelona, while Alexia told me everything was going to be okay. I didn't really hear a word she said, I was too lost in my thoughts. Too scared of what was going to happen next. All I wanted was a new beginning.   

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