glimmer in her eyes

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I went to go open the door, and saw Mapi standing there. She was wearing a white t-shirt and some black ripped jeans. She looked really pretty, like really pretty. "Hey." I said to the girl standing in front of me. "Hey." she said still staring at me with her brown eyes. "Ready?" I asked and she just nodded. I walked out of my apartment and was met by a small breeze in the Barcelona air. "Thanks for agreeing to get dinner with me." she said as we walked to her car. "I wouldn't have passed up the offer." I said with a smile and got into the car. Mapi turned on the car and put on some music. We made small talk the whole drive to the restaurant, but mostly we sat in comfortable silence. Eventually we pulled up to a nice looking restaurant, that had lights on the outside. Mapi parked and we both got off of the car, she opened the back door and got out a jacket. "I saw you shivering. Here is my jacket so you can stay warm." she said and handed me the jacket. I thanked her and put the jacket on my body. It had her sent and it was nice, it also kept me warm. We walked into the restaurant and Mapi walked up to the lady and she sat us at our table. We both ordered drinks and our food after looking at the menu for a little bit. Mapi and I talked a lot, about our past, childhood, soccer, parents, anything and everything that came up we talked about it. When our food came out we both got silent as we ate. The food was super delicious. After dinner we went back to her car and headed in the direction of the beech. Mapi stopped at a gas station and told me to wait in the car. While she was in there I texted Chloe that everything was going good. Soon enough the Spanish girl came back with a bag "What did you get?" I asked the girl. She had a smirk on her face "I got us dessert." she said. I opened the bag and saw at least 5 things of ice cream in the bag. I smiled at the defender, "Thank you." I said as we started our drive again. "Anything for you." 

After about 5 more minuets of driving we arrived at the beach. It was already dark, but I didn't care. We got out of the car and sat on the hood of her car looking out at the water while we ate ice cream. "so I promised I would show you around Barcelona, So here we are at a little private beach I like to come to." she said. I looked around, and it was small and very secluded. "It looks nice." I said putting another scoop of vanilla ice cream in my mouth. "Yeah, I come here when I need time away from everything." she said and just looked up at the sky. We sat in silence, but it was comfortable.I leaned back on the windshield and Mapi followed suit. "Thanks for tonight. I really appreciated it." i told the girl laying next to me. I felt her prop herself up, but I kept my gaze on the stars. "Like I said anything for you." she told me and I turned to face her. She was already staring at me with a glimmer in her eyes.    

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