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"Let's Go!" I yelled as the national anthem finished. Our first game of qualification was against Chinese Taipei. I was on the bench, I knew I was not going to start, but I am still hoping to maybe get onto the pitch. We had our group huddle then we broke and I went to go sit on the bench. its crazy thinking that I am here sitting on the bench for the National Team. I dreamed of this day since I was little. My 4 year old self would be going crazy right now. The atmosphere in Campbelltown Stadium, the fans were cheering, it was amazing. The game started and we were off to a good start netting 2 goals in the first 25 minuets. The bench was buzzing, the crowd was buzzing too. The energy was amazing. "Go, Go, Go STEPH!!!!" I yelled as Steph netted our 3rd goal. The bench celebrated and then we went to go sit down. "Oi Sammy!" I said as I took a seat next to Sam. "Don't Call me Sammy." she said in a serious tone, but you could tell she was joking. "Ok Samuel." I said just to piss her off, but she ended up punching my arm. Eventually the Halftime whistle blew and we were up 4-0. We went into the locker room for our halftime talk. Ante went over game plans and subs. "Okay Arin, we are going to have you go in for Emily." When Ante said that the whole team clapped and Emily put her arm around me and ruffled my hair. "Oh and that sub is happening at halftime." Ante said and my heart sunk. I was getting my first cap. 'I ARIN SUMMERS WAS GETTING MY FIRST CAP' I was able to go out before everyone else to start warming up.  After a while the teams came out and I went to the sideline to get last instruction before going on. I took my penny off and put it on the bench. I stood by the forth ref and he put Emily and I's number up. "Entering the game is Number 4 Arin Summers replacing Number 10 Emily Van Egmond!" I ran onto the field and the girls gave me thumbs up and smiles. The whistle for the second half blew and we were underway. I was getting a few toches on the ball, but nothing too major. I remember about 5 minuets in Ante told Caitlin and I to switch positions, so now I was up top. We were making a run towards the goal, I remember Katrina had the ball and she passed it to me. I went straight towards the keeper and then went around her. I saw a small opening and just kicked the ball. It hit the back of the net. "WAIT IT WENT IN!" is all i screamed before I was tackled by teammates. They were all congratulating me and then they got off of me.


Eventually the final whistle blew and we had won the game 7-0. I sat down on the pitch, and just looked around. Teagan came up to me and offered her hand to help me up. "Thanks bro." I said as I got up. "Dude you crushed it!!" she said pulling me into one of her big hugs she always gives me. We went into our team huddle, and Ante congratulated the team on their performance, and me on my first goal and cap which earned cheers from the whole team. We finished our huddle then went around to sign stuff. After that we all went to the locker room and eventually went back to the hotel. Karly and I went up to our room and we were both hungry, so we ordered pizza. I got a few messages from teammates and friends congratulating me on my performance. Karly and I watched a movie and ate our food. I was so tired I ended up falling asleep.

Sorry this chapter is short, i wrote it during a zoom call. Anyways would you like me to skip over the next two games of Olympic qualifying or, write them. I don't really care what i do. So yeah please comment. Also are you liking this book??

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