in danger again?

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I woke up before my alarm, which was not normal at all. I felt refreshed though. I looked over and Karly was still asleep. I went to the restroom and freshened up, I was on edge today for some reason. I just like felt like I was always looking over my shoulder, it just felt weird. I brushed it off and went downstairs to the gear room to grab my training gear. I got number 4, since Clare had picked up an injury during one of her games. I grabbed my gear and went back up to my room. While I was in the elevator I had that feeling again of someone looking at me, or watching me. I got off of the elevator and looked down the hallways before getting off, and nobody was there. I walked to my room, still feeling I had eyes on me but couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from, or maybe I was just crazy. I got to my room and used my key card to get in, Karly was in the shower so I just changed into my gear and did my hair. Eventually Karly and I were ready so we went downstairs to breakfast. I got my food and sat with Ellie, Hayley, and Caitlin since we are good friends. We all talked about soccer, its funny we were a dynamic group in Portland, but we all left except Ellie. Hayley is going to Everton, I went to Barcelona, and Cait is going to Arsenal, its been hard with our group breaking up, but we are all here together. We ate our breakfast and joked around like we normally do. "So Arin any new lovers?" Ellie asked wiggling her eyebrows. "No, no. Nobody." I said looking down, knowing my thing for a particular Spaniard. "You sure, you and that Leon girl have been looking very close on you guys social medias?" Hayley added in. "No, she had offered to take me around Barcelona to show me cool sights, we had dinner, and ice cream, then we went to the beach. After that she took me home, but thats it." I said and all 3 girls shared a look and I just played it off like I didn't notice. After a while we were called to start getting on the bus so we all cleaned up and headed out. I didn't have a bus buddy because it was my fist time at camp, but I didn't mind. I found a seat on the bus and just put my music on, and listened to it. Eventually the bus took off to training. I was listening to music, when my phone buzzed. 

Mapi: Hey I came to your apartment this morning to pick you up, totally forgetting you were away at camp. But there is some girl sitting outside of your apartment.

me: Awe thats sweet. Did you say anything to her? What does she look like?

I waited for Mapi's answer because thats honestly weird that some random chick is outside your apartment.

Mapi: No I didn't say anything to her. I'm just sitting in my car looking at your apartment. She has brown hair, she looks tall. She has a tattoo on her left shoulder, it looks like a Hawaiian type tattoo.

When I read the description that the girl gave me, I instantly began to panic. What was that psycho doing at my house? How did she know where I lived?

me: that is my crazy ex girlfriend. 

Mapi: Julia?

me: how do you know her?

Mapi: when you like rejected me, I was really down and Ana could tell. I told her what happened and she told me a very brief story about when happened between you and Julia. That is why I let you have your space. I didn't want to rush you into anything you weren't ready for.

me: Well that means a lot to me. But yeah we have a very terrible past. I'm like having a panic attack knowing she knows where I live.

Mapi: Is there anything that you need me to do?

me: no, let her stay there. Just can you check up on my apartment after training today please. Also pick me up from the airport when I return?

Mapi: Okay A, I will. Have a good training.

I closed my phone and let out a breath that I was holding in. "Dude, are you alright?" Chloe asked me. "Huh?" "Dude, you were just shaking and crying, but then you started to smile." she said. I touched my face and I had tears on it. "Y-yeah i am fine." I said and put my airpods back in so I could avoid the conversation. Eventually we got to the training grounds, and started practice. I still felt scared and nervous about going home, would my life be put in danger all over again? 

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