Another Nation

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"Barcelona beat Atletico!!! 5-3 with a hat trick from Arin Summers!! The young striker from Australia has been producing goals for this team, and honestly it was such a smart decision on Barcelona's half."

I looked around the stadium to realize their are a lot of fans. I knew the stadium was packed from what I was hearing throughout the game but I try to block the fans out, but now that we won I just look around and smile to myself. We went into our team huddle and coach told us how we played well, and he rewarded us with only recovery tomorrow which earned cheers from the girls. We broke and I walked around the field and just looked around, my first Champions League Match was in the books. It was crazy to me, I dreamed about playing in the Champions League when I was a kid, but I never believed I would get here. I was taken out of my thoughts when I hear someone say my name I turn around and I see Alex Chidiac walking towards me. "Alex!" I say in a very happy voice knowing I haven't seen the Midfielder in a long time. "You played amazing out there wonder kid!" she said bringing up my old nickname from the U-17 squads. "Haha I haven't had someone call me that in ages!" I said causing both of us to reminiscence in the good times when we were 16. "How have you been long time no see!" Alex said nudging my arm. "I've been great! Uhh moved out here from Portland after they waived me, but honestly that was a blessing in its own way. Now I am here in Spain, and I couldn't be happier." I said truthfully. "Well I am happy for you. We should meet up sometime, hang out catch up a bit more." Alex suggested and I agreed with the Australian. "I have your number so ill text you later." I said and she nodded. We hugged and walked away to our respective teams. I went to the locker room to change. I was honestly so exhausted from the game, I just wanted to sleep. I took a shower then changed into other clothes. I just sat on my phone and scrolled through Instagram. I waited for everyone to be ready and we eventually left the stadium. 

I sat by myself in Ana and I's apartment since she was staying at her boyfriends apartment tonight. I was scrolling through Netflix trying to find a movie. I ended up finding a movie, but not even 30 seconds into the movie my phone rang. I got up and saw it was Ante. I answered the call thinking it would be him checking up on me like he normally does "Hey Arin!" he said in his happy voice. "Hi Coach! How are you?" "Good good. I hope you are doing well too. But I need to talk to you about something. It is about the nation you play with, since we qualified for the Olympics. The National Olympic Committee had a few questions about your birth. From what we know you were placed on a crib by a shelter when you were young. No track of you or anything. Then you got adopted by your foster parents and they had all the paperwork figured out. But there has been some speculation that you are not Australian. They want you to take a DNA test to figure out your nationality." He said and I was just taking it all in. "Okay, so lets say they find out I am Dutch, do I have the choice to go play with the Netherlands, or am I able to stay with Australia?" "Since we have no way to tell if you were actually born in Australia there is no way for them to take that away. You have a birth certificate from Australia. Therefore you would have a choice to make, play with the country that comes up in the DNA test or stay with us. The test should be coming to your home tomorrow. Just follow the instructions and we should be all good. You should have no worries." he said and I just nodded behind the phone. "I know its a lot to take in, but dont be worried. Well I know its late so goodnight, ill talk to you soon." he said and hung up. I just sat there and took everything in, my mind was racing. 'What would I do if I were to be another Nationality? ' 

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