Best Friend

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'Welcome to Sandy, Utah!' I thought to myself as the matildas and I got off of the plane for our game against the United States. Its been a while since I was in Utah, but it felt great to be back. We got our bags then got onto the bus to go to our hotel. We drive by Rio Tinto and it reminded me of all the times we came here and played the Royals, now Tobin and Christen were always so lovey dovey. I was practically their child, in ways. We past a coffee shop that Linds, Emily, Sophia, I and the other Aussies would get coffee when we came. It made me really miss the states. We got to our hotel and got situated with everything. I was wondering around trying to find my room when I bumped into someone because I was looking down. "Oh shoot I am so sorry!" I said and met eyes with the person. "Emily!!" I said to the American and hugged her. "Arin! I have missed you so much!" she said into the hug. "I've missed you more sonny!!" I said and we release from the hug. "I need to go to practice but we should grab dinner or lunch soon!" Sonnett said "Yeah totally!!" I told my former teammate. I ended up finding my room and getting situated. The door opened and in walked Sam with her suitcase!! "Ahh isn't it Captain Sammy!!" I said just to bug her. "Don't call me Captain you werido, and call me Sammy again and i will fight you." she said while trying to keep a straight face. I got my phone and dialed a number of a dear precious friend of mine. "Hey Nikki!! Great to talk to you again!" I said while Sam tried to grab my phone out of my hand. "I am glad you are doing good. Just wanted to let you kn-" I was cut off by Sam throwing water on me "You sun of a bitch!" I yelled as I ran to the balcony. I turned Nikki on facetime, she just started laughing at the shenanigans that were happening. "Nikki!! Stop herr!!" I yelled as I ran. Sam trapped me in the hallway near our door and restroom. She has a bottle of water ready to chunk at me "Samantha May Kerr! Stop harassing the poor little girl. She did nothing to you! Either stop or no doughnuts when I go to the game." she said and that caught Sam's attention "You wouldn't! Nicole!" she said sounding defeated. "Oh I would. Now put the water down and apologize." Sam followed what Nikki said and I smiled behind the phone. "Arin I am sorry for chasing you around the hotel room and throwing water on you." she said while Nikki and I laughed. I hung up with Nikki and went to take a shower and got dressed. We has nothing to since Ante canceled our meeting. Sam left me a note saying she was going out to dinner with Nikki since she was in town so it was just me. I got ready to do something even tho I had no idea what I was going to do. I picked out a Nike hoodie and some ripped jeans with my custom air forces. I sat on my bed and contemplated on what to do. I went on my phone and to my contacts. I waited for the FaceTime to connect. "Heyoo!! What are you doing?" I asked "Nothing much some of the girls went to do hang out. So I am just here by myself. Why?" "Because I haven't seen you in a while, and we both need to catch up. SO get dressed, meet me downstairs in 15?" I told Emily on the other line. "Okay see you inna bit weirdo." she said and I hung up. I had 15 minuets to kill so I scrolled through Instagram. Nothing interesting was on there. So I went to my messages since I haven't checked them since we got here. I saw Mapi sent me a text. "Hey look, I dont know how to tell you this Arin, but I don't think we should go out anymore. I would like to keep things between us professional. Hope this doesn't ruin our friendship. Talk to you when you get back." I didn't know what to say to the message. I didn't know how to react either. I didn't feel as hurt as I thought I would feel, like I care for her but I dont know how to describe that feeling. I decided to head downstairs early to wait for Em. 

It didn't take the American long to get downstairs. She was wearing a dad had with an adidas jacket and jeans. She looked really nice. "So where to?" Sonny asked and I just shrugged. "Honestly I have no idea, I just wanted to spend time with my favorite American." I said slinging my arm around the girl. "Okay well then I will take you somewhere then. I got a rental car so we can use that to drive places." Emily said and I nodded we heading out of the hotel to a BMW that was parked outside. We both got in and Emily started driving somewhere. Music was playing in the background, and it felt like old times when we would drive to the coast in the middle of the night because we got bored. We pull up to this small dinner and get off. We walk inside and get seated in a booth in the back to the restaurant. "What is wrong Arin?" Emily asks. I was confused on where the question that she asked. "What do you mean? I'm fine." I told the blond in front of me. She scoffed "Bullshit, Arin I know when something is wrong. We are best friends, plus you're chewing on your bottom lip. You only do that when you are sad." she said and reached her hand over the table and held mine. "It is just I thought I had a good thing going with this girl in Barcelona, but right before we met downstairs I got a text from her calling it off." I said and Em held my hand tighter then before. "Hey she did not deserve you at all. You are the sweetest person ever, and you are gorgeous. Okay? You can do way better then her." Emily said, and I just nodded. Our waitress came over and took our order. Emily and I joked around and caught up, she told me there is a potential trade for her to go to Orlando, she wasn't super stoked about it though. Our food came and we ate relatively quickly. We paid and headed to our next adventure.           

A New BeginningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ