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Throughout the next few weeks a lot had happened, I had moved in with Ana, Mapi was hurt but eventually realized why I made that decision. Everything had been super stressful, my mind is in 27494 different places. Australia qualified for the Olympics and I scored the winning goal, and I felt emotionless. My teammates and friends have picked up on my behavior. I just feel so distant, and I know I am doing it to myself it just sucks. The girls have tried to reach out to me, Lindsey even flew to Spain to spend time with me, and that didn't help. I've just spiraled and i'm scared. I filed another police report, for a restraining order on Julia but I didn't have 'substantial' evidence that I was abused. Even though I showed pictures, and my medical stuff I still was not believed, and that hurt. It's like in this world of equality that we supposedly live in I still don't have a voice.

 Anyways getting away from the depressing emotional crap, Barcelona has been doing good in the league and champions league. Oh I also met Messi! I practically fan girled over the  poor man, I felt so bad after. Messi is the only man I would be straight for. Mapi and I have been super close attached to the hip, but I still feel bad for not dating her. I want to so bad but I can't, at least not right now. I was currently on my way to training because we had a game against Atleti this weekend in the champions league. Which everyone was hyped for. It was Monday so we played them on Wednesday. I pulled up to the training center and got out and went inside to change and get ready for training, I did stop by the cafeteria to get a smoothie but then I went to go drink it in one of the rooms, where nobody really goes. Not even 5 minuets later Patri and Leila walk in, and they sit down in front of me. "Hey" Leila said like there was nothing weird. "Um Hey" I said in kind of a weird tone of voice, but I just took another sip of my smoothie. "Why are you in here by yourself?" Patri asked. "I like to come here to distress." I told the two girls in front of me and they both nodded. After a while Leila broke the silence "Look everyone on the team has noticed over this past month you have not been the same. You are quiet, and distant from the team. We are all worried about you Arin. We all care about you, we all do. Plus Mapi won't shut up about you!!" she said and causing me to chuckle at the end when she bought up the Spaniard. "Its just been hard with the Assault case and everything. It's really taken a toll on me, I came here for a new beginning not only in football but also in life, and I really haven't gotten either. I get too focused with one and forget about the other." I said and both girls got up and sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. "We are always going to be here for you if you need to talk, we miss our friend!!" Patri said and it made us all laugh "Thank you guys! It actually means a lot to me" I said and they both just nodded. We all got up and left the room and they went to the cafe and I went to the locker room. I got in and set my stuff down at my locker, nobody was in there with me so I just sat there. I ended up getting lost in my thoughts until the door opened and Mapi was their. "Hey" she said as she came to sit next to me. I cupped her face and pressed my lips against hers, it was a much awaited kiss on both of our sides. The kiss was passionate, but their was lust behind it. We broke away due to air but couldn't help but smile at each other. "You, me date this Saturday?" I blurt out, I was full of confidence. "Are you serious?" Mapi asked me full of shock "Dead serious, I've wanted this for so long. I've wanted you for so long, and I know I have my issues but everyone does. But I know what I want, and its you." I said and she smiled and stood up and pulled me up and kissed me. She spun me around and held onto me as tight as she could it felt like. "But yes I would love to go on a date with you Arin.

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