Game and Date

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It had been a couple of days since Emily and I's little friendship date. It also had been a couple of day's since I last spoke to Mapi. Alexia had texted me checking up on me, I guess Mapi told her what happened. We spoke for a while and I told her I was fine. Today I couldn't think about any of that mess, today was game day. USA vs. Australia my heart was pounding. I was super nervous. Ante had told me yesterday I was going to start, I was excited but I also was shitting bricks. Ellie was currently braiding my hair, while Sam was singing terribly. We leave for the stadium in about an hour in a half. "So lil bean are you excited for your first start?" Sam asked. "Yeah im excited, a bit nervous. I think once I get on the pitch and put a few touches in I'll be fine." both girls nodded at my responce.

After about an hour we all headed down to the lobby to wait for the bus. I put my airpods in and turned on music. It helped calm my nerves down. We all got on the bus and headed to the stadium. Everyone was relatively quiet, all in their own head space. The bus pulled up to the stadium and we all started to get off. We headed straight for the locker room. Everyone stretched and did their own thing in the locker room. Music was played and everyone was getting pumped for the game. I was called out to do a pre-game interview. I got up and went out to the hallway where the media was. "Oh Summer over here!" a women said and waived me over. I walked over to her ready to answer the questions she had for me. "Its going to be just a short interview nothing major." she said and I nodded. They turned on the camera and we went on with the interview.  


"Little did we know little Australia was amazing!" Ellie said as the final whistle blew. the game ended 6-5 in favor of Australia. It was a grueling match, one for the books though. It was a back and forth game but it was all worth it. I scored my fist goal, that was nice. I headed towards our team huddle where Ante told us he was proud. We walked around for a bit congratulating the U.S players and refs. I drifted off on my own to catch my breath, when I felt someone jump on me. "Emily!!" I aid as i saw the girl i just played against in front of me. "Sum you were amazing out there!" she said as she sat down on the turf. "Thank you, son! You weren't to bad yourself." I said and sat next to the blond girl. We both caught our breath, because of the altitude in Utah. "What are you doing tonight?" i ask the american. "Nothing much,, seeing as it is about 10 at night, probably going to order food and then watch netflix." "well change of plans, since I have an off day tomorrow, and I know you have a recovery day tomorrow. We are going to go get ice cream. Just us. If that is okay with you." "I am 100% down, plus I dont know when the next time I am going to see you. I want to live it up." 

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