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*buzz buzz buzz*

"Wh-Why?" I groaned as my alarm went off. I picked up my phone and saw it was 4:30 in the morning, today I had my flight to Sydney. I rolled out of bed and went to my restroom to freshen up and put my hair back into a bun. I went to my closet pulled out my favorite red sweatshirt and a pair of black Adidas shorts.  I put those on before slipping on a pair of running shoes before grabbing my suitcase and heading to the airport.

By the time I got to the airport, got everything situated and was at my gate I had just enough time to grab a coffee before my flight was called. I walked over to the gate and boarded the plane. Luckily not a lot of people were taking an early flight to Newcastle like I was. I took a seat by a window and just waited for the plane to take off. 


After 2 flights I was finally in Sydney. I opened my phone to the camera and practically yelled when I saw my face. I looked rough. I got a text from Emily and Sam saying they were already here at the airport to pick me up. I got off of the plane and went to baggage claim to pick up my bag, I saw Emily and Sam waiting for me and waived to them. "Hey guys!" I told the two veterans of the rem. "Hey Arin! We are so glad you are on the team!" Emily said while pulling me into a hug. "Honestly, I'm suprised you didn't get called up when you played for Perth, you were on fire that year. But at least we have you now!" Sam said and we walked back to the car that was putside. "So how is Barcelona treating you?" sam kerr asked me. "It going really good, adjusting to my surroundings, meeting new people, but besides that everything is going great." I said with a smile as we got into the car. On the way to the hotel we talked about our lives and soccer. Sam talked to us about Helen, and Emily talked about a new hat she got. I barley listened to the two older girls because I was so tired. After about a 15 minuet car ride we pulled up to the hotel, the girls asked if I wanted to get coffee but I politely decline and head inside the hotel. I'm met by some of the staff saying we have only a team meeting today at night so we basically have all day to do whatever we want. I was given my room key and I went straight to my room and let sleep talk over my body. 

"LOOK YOU WILL NEVER EVER BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME. YOU ARE A USELESS GIRL WHO HAS ABSOLUTELY NO TALENT!" As she yelled at me I continued to pack my bag. "YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO SAY THAT TO ME< YOU KNOW I HAVE WORKED MY ASS OFF TO GET WHERE I AM. AT LEAST I AM NOT AN A ABUSIVE GIRLFRIEND LIKE YOU ARE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. All of a sudden I felt a slap to my face and a punch to my gut. "YOU LITTLE WHORE! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT! I AM THE ONLY THING THAT HOLDS YOU TOGETHER, SO PUT THAT BAG DOWN!" she yelled at me "NO! I'M NOT DOING WHAT YOU SAY! I AM DONE, I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR BULLSHIT. ONLY USING ME FOR MONEY, FOR FAME, FOR SEX, FOR YOUR ANGER ISSUES. I'M SICK AND TIRED OF YOU USING ME!" I yelled and pulled my bags over my shoulders. "THAT IS ALL YOU ARE WORTH, BEING WALKED OVER LIKE A WORTHLESS PERSON, BECAUSE THAT IS ALL YOU ARE. ONCE YOU LEAVE YOU WILL MAKE NOTHING OUT OF YOURSELF." And with that I picked up my keys and left the apartment. I got to my car and tears were steaming down my face, I couldn't control my breathing. My ribs ached, they rattled every time I took a deep breath, and there was an eminence pain. My head was bleeding and it was pounding. I took out my phone and called Ana. After a couple of rings she picked up. "A- Ana I need you to meet me at the hospital, bring Linds." I managed to rasp out. "Arin what is wrong?" my best friend said sounding worried. "Just go. It hast to do with Julia." I said and hung up. I pulled up to the hospital and pulled into the emergency side. "H- Help!" I manage to yell out. One of the nurses herd me and came out, once she saw my condition she called for help. Then it went black.  

I woke up gasping for air, I felt my face and felt the tears that I cried during my sleep. I wiped the waterworks off of my face. I had the dream again. It was a dream about the last time I spoke to Julia, the time when she beat me up, fractured my ribs. I didn't have the dream a lot but when I did it would freak me out. I picked up my phone and noticed that it was 4:30 in the afternoon and our meeting was at 5:15. I got up and took a quick shower to get the smell of airport off of me. I changed into athletic shorts and a shirt. I looked at my phone again and I had 5 minuets to get downstairs. I left my room and took the elevator to the bottom floor and walked to the conference room. Some of the girls trickled in after me and the meeting got started. Ante talked about the upcoming games against Vietnam and our game plan. Then he had me introduce myself. "Um Hi my name is  Arin Summers. I play for FC Barcelona, I've played for Portland Thorns, and other teams in the Westfield W-league also. I went to college at the University of Oregon. Um yeah thats about it." I said and sat back down, I already knew everybody on the team so it wasn't a really huge thing. The meeting went on then we had dinner at some restaurant. After that everybody went to their rooms I was rooming with Karly. We bot got changed and went to bed because we had an early training session tomorrow.

A New BeginningWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt