𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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                               -Clover's Pov-

The screams of the students around me were ear-piercing, their stares were intimidating... all except one. His... his looks, his stares, weren't intimidating, if anything they were the exact opposite, they drew me in and I didn't like it... at all.
He was the definition of perfect.
He had chocolate brown hair that had perfectly loose curls.
His eyes burn on the side of my neck, I look over my shoulder only for us to meet eye contact.
He'd been looking at me on and off for atleast 20 minutes.
"Hey, who's that?" I ask Cynthia, still keeping my eyes on him. She follows my eye sight and sighs.
"Girllll nooo, that's Jaden, and you don't want to go there" she laughs uncomfortably.
I could sense some sort of resentment in her tone. She really didn't like him, neither did Daniella. I look back over my shoulder as I notice a girl was now sitting on his lap.

"I'm Clearly not his type anyways" I laugh and look down at my salad as I slowly move it about with my fork.
"That girl sitting on his lap is Mads, they've been off and on for about year, she's completely clueless that he's been cheating on her throughout their whole relationship" Daniella scoffs disgusted. "Or she does but she's like every other girl and lets him walk all over her" Cynthia adds on.
I look over at Charlie who just shrugs and glances over at Josh.
Both Josh and Charlie have been staring at eachother all day.
"I sense something between Charlie and Josh though" Dani teases.
"Wait- what- no" Charlie is quick to deny, blushing like mad.
"Josh is alright, he's also good company" Cynthia shrugs as she glances back over at the table.
"Just be careful of his ex, Nessa Barrett... Nessa and Mads are not the type of girls that you want to fight with for a boy" Daniella warns us.
Charlie and I look at eachother with our eyes widened. I could feel her emotions and she was just as intimidated as me.

The bell for last period knocks us out of our trances.
"Well I guess we'll see you guys tomorrow, we should have a girly night at some point this week" Cynthia suggests.
"Yeah, for sure" I smile holding my study books close to my chest.
Jaden and his minions walk past me, he made sure to walk closest to me as possible and purposely bumps into me.
I turn around but keep quiet.
"I'm sorry" He smirks.
"I wasn't looking where I was going".

He winks subtly and walks off with his friends behind him.
I notice Charlie smirking out of the corner of my eyes and I nudge her causing her to frown.

"Okay we better go to Spanish" Charlie says walking down the corridor with me trailing after her.
We get into our class and I notice that my assigned seat was right next to Jaden, with Josh and Kio on the other side of him. I was on the very end.
I slowly make my way to my seat with my head down.
"Hey Clover" A familiar voice speaks, I look up to see Kio already sat in his seat.
"Hey" I smile cheerfully and take a seat, dreading for Jaden to come in.
He eventually comes in, notices I'm sat next to him, and smirks.
He takes his seat and I slouch down in mine slightly.
I was trying my hardest to avoid conversation with him since my anxiety was hitting the roof but I guess that flew out of the window at 1000MPH.

"Hey, new girl" He whispers, handing me an empty book to write in.
"Hello, Thankyou for the book-" I smile, confusion filled my tone as to why he was being so nice, he didn't seem like the 'being nice' type.
"Oh you're Australian" He grins.
"Glad you noticed" I laugh earning one from him aswell.
"Listen, I'm sorry about earlier in the cafeteria" He says.
"You mean when you bumped into me on purpose" I mutter, keeping my eyes on the front of the book whilst I write mine and the teachers name.
"Well it wasn't on purpose" he shrugs.
I look up at him and raise my eyebrows before clicking my pen. "You know you are such a bad liar" I smirk.
he laughs once more and holds his hand out, smiling a little.

"I'm Jaden"
I grab his hand in mine and shake it.
"I'm Clover".
He smirks and nods. "Cute name".
"Thanks, yours ain't too bad either" I mutter and carry on writing.
He carries on with his work and I decide to take a gamble and read his mind.

"She's so fucking beautiful"
"Maybe my next conquest?"
"No... Jaden you can't do this to her"
"She's too... perfect... innocent"

I shake my head and sigh... then I focus on his emotions.
He was nervous, really really nervous.
I don't understand what about though and his thoughts didn't make the reason clear.
I notice Charlie looking at me from across the room and I noticed she was reading mine.

Charlie and I could always communicate telepathically.
"What is he saying to you?" She thinks.
"Nothing bad, he's actually kind of sweet" I think back.
She nods and looks towards the front of the classroom.

Jaden and I remained quiet throughout the rest of the lesson until it was time to pack up.
"Now, class, like I mentioned earlier you have an assignment, we wouldn't usually set projects or anything for languages but I feel like it's good practice for your exams, you'll be partnered with the person sitting next to you-"
Jaden and I glance at eachother at the same time and share an awkward smile.
"-and I expect it to be done by Friday, please work after hours and take this seriously, you may go" The teacher dismisses us.

I trail behind Charlie out of the classroom and down to our lockers since it was now the end of the day.
"He wasn't as bad as Cynthia and Dani made out, he was kind of sweet and-" I say grabbing my bag from my locker until I'm cut off by a hand above my head resting on the locker above mine.
"Who's kind of sweet?"

I turn around to see Jaden towering over me.
"I-this guy from our maths class" I lie.
Charlie steps back and covers her mouth to prevent herself from laughing.
"Hm right..." he says unconvinced.
"We really should talk about this project so... my place, tomorrow?" He suggests.
I swallow what felt like a huge stone in my throat before nodding and choking out a quiet "mhm".
"Perfect" he mutters under his breath and turns around to walk off.
Charlie starts sniggering and I shove her slightly.
"Shut up, it's not funny" I roll my eyes.
"It is kind of funny" she says still laughing as she follows me out of the gates.

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now