𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧

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- Clover's Pov -

I stare blankly into the mirror at my freshly applied makeup. I was skeptical about going to the party tonight. I was nervous as to what Jaden would do since he told me not to go.
"Cynthia will be here in 10 minutes, are you ready?" Charlie shouts from the other room.
"Just getting changed" I shout back. I sigh and stumble over to my wardrobe. I pick out a teal dress that reaches my midthigh, teal high heels and a teal purse.
I slip into them and grab everything I needed for the party before meeting Charlie downstairs.
I take a seat on the bottom step by the door and stare out at the purple sunset.
"You don't want to go do you?" Charlie questions.
I nod my head slowly. "I do its just-"
"Jaden told you not to" She raises her eyebrow.
"Yeah, and I'll admit I am kind of scared of him, I just don't show it" I shrug.
"He is really intimidating" She adds on making me laugh.
Cynthia pulls up and rolls the window down. "Come on bitches time to party!" She screams from the other side of the road.
"Still want to go?, we can tell them we're not coming" Charlie rubs my back.
"No I want to, let's go" I say and lock up the house, following Charlie to Cynthia's car.

The drive to Tony and Ondreaz's house was only about 10 minutes along the country roads. We soon arrive and their house was HUGE. "Our parents are on vacation for the weekend so let the party start!" Ondre yells, holding up a bottle of vodka. We all cheer and I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me. "You look beautiful!" Quinton whispers in my ear. I bite my lip and look up at him, blushing. "you look good too" I compliment him. He chuckles and takes my hand, leading me into the living-room where everybody sat in a circle. We'd been here not even an hour and everybody was already tipsy. it wasn't even 10 pm yet... tonight ought to be fun.

"Clover, truth or dare?" Chase asks me devilishly. "ugh, this is a kids game" I groan. "Don't be a kill joy, pick one" Quinton laughs. "Truth". "how many people have you had sex with?" Tony speaks up, all eyes turn to me except Charlie, she looks at the floor. "None" I scoff. "wait really?" Dani asks surprised. I shake my head, look to the floor and pout. "aw, that's okay, everybody should take their time" Ondreaz grins, earning a nod from the others. I smile and lean back against the floor as they carry on playing.

The night goes on and with every hour we get more and more wasted. I stumble to the kitchen and push myself up on the kitchen side, Chase follows after me to see if I'm okay.

"heyyy dingus, are you okay?" He slurs leaning against the kitchen side. "I'm tired, I want a kebab and I want my bed" I say truthfully with a little pout. "If that's not a mood then I don't know what is" He laughs at me. A loud smash echos throughout the house.

"What on gods name was that?" Chase shouts. "I- Um- Dropped a pencil" Ondre calls out.

"Oh swinging jesus on a broken motorcycle, that was definitely a window" I throw my hands up and roll my eyes. "I better go and sort them out" Chase says leaving the room.

I lean back against one of the kitchen cupboards and let out a sigh. I kinda missed him, I haven't spent a huge amount of time with him, but I missed him... A lot. I wished he was here. I told myself over and over and over again that I wasn't going to call him but I keep glancing at my phone as if I'm actually going to. I want to. But I shouldn't.... But I want to though.

"well you're not going to" Charlie mutters, poking her head around the kitchen doorframe. I raise my eyebrow in confusion. "call him, I mean" She adds on. "ugh why" I mutter. "you know he will just get mad at you for coming here" She says. "I kinda like it when he's mad though" I smirk to myself. "It's hot".

"ugh, psychopath" She jokes. "Have you ever just felt like, maybe... our lives are all planned out for us?" I ask. She shrugs and nods slightly. "Perhaps, what is making you think about all this?" She questions. I look down at the marble patterned floor and shake my head, "nothing".

She leaves the room and joins the others, I pull my phone out and get up his contact, I stare at it for a little while before taking a gamble, stepping outside into the bitter cold air and calling him.

- Jaden's Pov -

I turn over in my bed to have my phone screeching in my ear. God damn it... who on earth needed me at this hour, it's 3:45 am.

I glance down and a smirk plasters itself on my lips as I read her name. I answer the phone and hold it close to my ear. "Hello" I say in a raspy tone. "Jadennnn, hey, you picked up, wow" She slurs. I laugh to myself and bite my bottom lip ever so slightly. "Clover are you drunk... again?" I question. "maybe I am, maybe I amment" She mutters. I shake my head and continue to laugh at her lack of English.

She lets out a deep breath. "Whats the matter Clover, talk to me" I say sitting up in my bed.

"you just- you confuse me Jaden". "what do you mean kitten?" I ask soothingly. "you're nice one minute, then the next you're an asshole, a little jealous angry prick, but I like it, god damn it why do I like it" She groans. I bite my lip once more, "It's the way I'm wired Clover, I have that effect" I say.

She goes quiet for a minute before whispering a soft "I need to see you". I nod to myself and smile. "I'm on my way, wait outside" I say before cutting the phone line off.

I get out of my bed and slip on grey joggers and a black hoodie before slipping my shoes on and grabbing my car keys. I drive over to Tony and Ondre's and pull up at the side of the road. "come on get in" I smile, rolling the window down. She stumbles to the door and sits down in the passenger seat. "The way you said that made you sound like a serial killer" She jokes.

"maybe I am... maybe I amment" I mock her. "Don't be mean" She whines as we drive across the dark country lanes. We pull up to my house and I help her out of the car, she passes out in my arms as soon as we get inside and I take her up to my room and gently place her on the bed. I get her changed into one of my T-shirts and tuck her into my sheets, leaving her to sleep whilst I left the room to sleep in the guest bedroom.

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now