𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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-Clover's Pov-

"Holy shit we're so late for college!" Chase yells making us all wake up. I look around and notice that we fell asleep in Chase's livingroom.
"What time is it?" Quinton asks rubbing his eyes.
"8:35" Cynthia confirms.
"Fuck, first lesson starts in 10 minutes!" Tony panics.
"Right here's a plan, Charlie, Clover, Dani and Cynthia all head back to your houses and get ready, Tony, Ondreaz and Quinton go back to yours and get ready, then we will pick each of you girls up individually, we'll take the bigger car and we can all walk in together, if we're going to be late may as well be late together" Chase suggests.
We all nod agreeing and myself, Charlie and Dani follow Cynthia to her car.

She drives us home and we both head up to our rooms, mum wasn't in. No surprise there.

I quickly get dressed and so does Charlie. She rushes her makeup but I decided not to put any on today. It was stepping way out of my comfort zone since I was self conscious about the freckles across my nose but I didn't have any time or any motivation to care.
I quickly brush my teeth and meet Charlie downstairs.

"What are we meant to have first?" I ask referring to lessons.
"Spanish" She says.
"Fuck, we have an assignment, Jaden is gonna be so mad at me for being late" I sigh running my hands through my hair.
"Wait, you're scared of Jaden?" She asks surprised, trying not to laugh.
"Ugh, no" I lie.
"He's just really really dominant, it makes my stomach turn a little" I shrug and look down at my shoes.

"We better hurry up then before you get pinned against a locker for being late" Charlie jokes, raising her eyebrows.
"Shut the fuck up, he has a girlfriend" I roll my eyes and follow her out of the house to Chase's car.

We arrive at school and park up in the parking lot.
There was a fuck ton of cars but not a student in sight.
"It's 9:15, we're like half an hour late" Cynthia groans.
We rush to our classes and I walk in behind Quinton, holding onto his arm.

"Cynthia, Dani, Clover, Charlie and Quinton, do you have any idea how late you are!!" Our teacher mutters, writing our names down on the board.
"We're sorry sir" Cynthia says sincerely.
He nods and signals for us to sit down.
I let go of Quinton's arm and take my seat next to Jaden.

"Why are you so late and why on earth were you holding Quinton's arm like that?" He snaps but still whispering.
"Why does it concern you and why on earth do you care?" I raise my eyebrows at him.
"Do you have our assignment?" He asks.

"Do you mean MY assignment, the one that I wrote and you sat and watched me write?"
"Just- whatever, do you have it?" He asks in a softer tone.
"Obviously" I roll my eyes.
"Don't!, take that tone with me" His voice fills with authority.
"Or what, what are you gonna do?" I tease him slightly.
He taps my thigh and smirks devilishly.
"Hm, you have no idea" He whispers and glances back to the front, slouching in his chair.

"Jaden and Clover would you like to present your findings to the class first?" The teacher asks us both with his eyebrow raised.
Jaden and I look to eachother worriedly before slowly making our way to the front of the classroom.
I pulled out a piece of paper with the work on it that I printed at chase's house.
Jaden nods to me as I start to read our the work.
Once I'd finished, applauses filled the room.
"Well I must say, that was astonishing, and very well worded, that's good for you Jaden you was just about to fail this class" Sir says.
Jaden looks to the floor disappointed in himself.
"Well erm, Jaden actually wrote the majority of this so it's a good job he didn't fail" I say covering for the fact that only I'd worked on this.
Jaden looks up at me with a little smile and a nod as if he was thanking me.
I glance over and see Quinton and Cynthia both looking at me as if I was mad. Of course they knew that I'd written the whole thing.

"Well keep up the work like that Jaden and I suspect you'll get straight A's, take a seat".
Jaden and I nod and make our way to the back of the class.
"Thankyou, for that, you really didn't have to" he says kindly.
"Oh please, I wasn't about to let you fail and get kicked out of class" I shrug.

The class drags on for a further 10 minutes until we're down to our final 5 minutes and since our teacher was in a relatively good mood he lets us go early.
I leave the classroom following behind Quinton, Cynthia, Charlie and Josh who were already having a conversation.
I eventually reach my locker and grab my books for Maths.
"Why did you cover for him?" Quinton questions, leaning against the locker next to mine.
"I don't know I felt bad, he may be a little bit of a dick but I wouldn't want him to fail just because I said I did all of the work, I'm too-"
"- kind hearted?" He finishes my sentence for me.
I smirk and flick my hair over my shoulder.
"Well when you put it like that" I shrug.
He laughs and hugs my side very gently.
"I'll see you at break yeah?".
I nod as he gently kisses my forehead before walking off.
I lean against my locker and watch him walk away.

"I don't know how I feel about you and Griggs" An all too familiar voice speaks behind me.
I roll my eyes and turn to face him.
"And why do you care... Hossler?" I raise my eyebrow.
"Well I wouldn't go as far as caring" he smirks and tucks his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
"Well if you didn't care, then you wouldn't feel anything about the situation between myself and Quinton, he has a name by the way I suggest you use it" I shake my head and grab the rest of my books.
"Ooo sorry feisty" He chuckles.
"Jaden I'm seriously not in the mood for you right now" I snap.
"That's fine- just remember this" he says in a lower register.
I look up at him into his eyes.
"When I want something, I fucking get it" he keeps intense eye contact with me before slowly turning around and walking off.
I watch him walk in the opposite direction, confusion filled my head.

His words circled my mind numerous times.

"Clover! Girly night tonight? My place?" Cynthia smiles running up to me.
I nod and keep my eyes on Jaden as he turns the corridor.
"Yeah sounds cool" I smile.

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now