𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐟 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 || 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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- Clover's Pov -

"CLOVER-MAE!" Avani yells as she rushes into the room. "its bad, its so bad there's blood everywhere oh my god" She adds on. I sit up straight in the bed as my eyes adjust to the sunlight. "wait what!, who got hurt?" I panic. "oh nobody, I was just ordered to wake you up and it clearly worked" She laughs. "Ugh I hate you!" I laugh shoving her off of the bed, she lands on the floor. "ouch" she whines, pulling herself back onto the bed.

"Jaden, Charlie, Bryce, Myself and Griffin have to go out, we can't tell you where and we can't tell you why, so um... have a good day" she says leaving the room. "what was the point in telling me then" I laugh as I watch her leave. I shake my head and get up to head for a shower. Afterwards, I dry my hair, get changed into some grey joggers and one of Jaden's tops and dry my hair, slipping my glasses on so I'm actually able to see.

I then head upstairs to the kitchen (the sway house is basically upside down lmao) and see everybody else there. "morning sunshine" Payton smiles, sliding me a cup of coffee across the counter. "morning, you guys are here early"I laugh to Chase, Cynthia, Payton, Daniella and Quinton. "Yeah, we're meant to be helping you get ready" Cynthia smiles, taking a seat next to me at the breakfast bar. "For...?" I ask looking at her through the top of my glasses.

"your date" Payton reminds me. "oh yeah, that's happening today isn't it" I say. "you forgot that you're having a date" Quinton laughs. "I'm not really with it if I'm honest, it's far too early" I say earning a laugh from everybody.

A few hours pass and Payton gets a message from Avani saying "get her ready". I head downstairs with him, Cynthia and Dani as they start rummaging through my closet looking at dresses. I take a seat on the bed next to Payton as he sighs. "welcome to the life of teenage girls" I whisper to him as Dani throws dresses across the room, saying "nope, not that one".

They eventually put a floral dress infront of me with Black heels. "get changed, I'll do your makeup and Cynthia will do you hair" Dani grins. "and I'll sit here, pretending like I have a clue about how to get a girl ready for a date" Payton mutters, throwing his phone between both of his hands. "you're just here for opinions" Cynthia laughs. "you're asking a teenage boy for an opinion on a date outfit... you could wear a fucking bin bag and I'd say you look nice" He says making us laugh hysterically.

I get changed and Daniella does my makeup. Cynthia then does my hair in half up half down spacebuns and straightens the ends since my hair goes wavy in the morning. I head back upstairs and everybody looks over at me and grins. "you look beautiful Clover" Olivia smiles holding my hands. I smile and look down at the floor. "you really do" Kio adds on. "Thankyou guys" I say resting my hand on my chest. "lets go" Josh says grabbing my arm gently and taking me outside, with Payton and Chase behind him.

"wait you're driving me there?" I question, jumping in the passenger seat. He nods. "Why are you smiling like idiots?" I question Looking over my shoulder at Payton and Chase. "It's a special day, that's all" Chase shrugs and looks out of the window.

We arrive and immediately my heart starts beating really fast. I knew exactly where we are. I would come to this place when I lived over here and life felt too much, it was my escape. My father would come here too whenever he was sad. "you know this place?" Josh asks as we step out of the car. "Yeah, I used to come here alot as a kid" I say.

It was a green field  with a wooden deck, a lake and a few twisted trees. Charlie, Avani, Griffin and Bryce rush over to the car. "you guys sorted this out?" I question. "yeah, I told Jaden it'd be special to have your first date here... now go, enjoy yourself" Charlie smiles, hugging me.

I turn the corner and see the twisted trees covered with fairylights, a table with roses and candles on and beautiful lanterns hung on the trees. The moonlight reflects beautifully off of the lake and it was perfect.

 The moonlight reflects beautifully off of the lake and it was perfect

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Jaden steps forward into the moonlight and holds his hand out. Tears form in my eyes as I take his hand and he pulls me into a hug. "I wanted it to be special for you" He whispers, holding me tightly. "It's perfect, I love it, thankyou" I say as tears stream down my face.

"and I love you" He says. I step back holding his hand and smiling.

"Clover, the reason why I used to do all that shit to girls is because my first love hurt me... really badly. That's who Comatose is about, I hurt and cheat on people because I'm afraid they will do it to me first, my mind was fucked up... until I met you. After my first girlfriend, I stopped believing in love completely but that first moment that I saw you sitting in our English class... I knew that you could be the one that I was waiting for my entire life. I'd never met anybody other than my father that was exactly like me and It wasn't easy getting you to believe that my feelings for you are real. I wouldn't have blamed you if you had just walked away from the moment we met but I'm blessed that you didn't. I couldn't see myself or my future with anybody else apart from you. I'm madly in love with you and no amount of magic or.... mads... is going to change that" He says, making me laugh at the last part between my tears.

"so with that being said.... would you please disregard our rules and be mine?" He asks. "Yes Jaden, Of course I will" I say, crying even more as he lifts me up into a hug. The cheers of our friends behind us made it all the more special. He kisses me softly and holds me tighter.

Jaden Hossler.... what a name. Beyond perfect but so underappreciated. I never once thought that I would fall for him as hard as I did, but I don't regret it.

He really is the king of hearts.


That's the end of the book, thankyou so much for reading this far. I'm still debating on making a second book for this but I hope you enjoyed reading it <3

- Arabella-Mae

𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ~ 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now