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Bin got up early to eat breakfast.

He really needed the extra strength to survive through the day. His mother had even taken time out of her busy schedule to make him lunch after complaining to her that he hadn't been eating well at lunch.

It wasn't his fault, the cafeteria served trash.

But now, he had regretted his decision to eat breakfast because he could barely keep his eyes open in class. A big thanks to the pancakes he had for breakfast or was it the tea he drank after the pancakes?

He wasn't sure but- he was sure about getting into trouble if his teacher found out he was sleeping in his class.

“Pssst” his classmate whispered, tapping him from behind.

“What?” Bin groggily replied, turning to face the owner of the voice. The boy whose name he didn't know handed him a phone as Bin collected it to examine it.

It was a picture.

A very clear picture of him throwing trash out two nights again. Ofcourse he would remember, he was in his night wear about to go to sleep when his mother demanded that he take out the trash.

“How did you get this?!” a pissed Bin yelled quietly as the boy whispered back.

“Check the account account name”

Bin's eyes looked away from the picture to the account name. The name spelt 'Eunwoo Cha'

This was Cha Eunwoo's doing? Was he being stalked by the 'bad boy'? Did Eunwoo go around taking pictures of others? Was that suddenly a new hobby?

Bin's face reddened, anger seething through him. Returning the boy's phone, Bin looked up to see his Classmates staring at him in amusement.

Oh! Cha Eunwoo was going to die today and today, Moon Bin was going to get arrested.


Eunwoo laughed at Minhyuk's joke as Jinwoo scoffed at them. He didn't find them funny because they were all stupid remarks about him being short. Minhyuk's jokes were not jokes, they were stupid statements made by a stupid person.

It was true Jinwoo wasn't tall but that didn't stop him from being sexy. He was sexy, cool and he knew it.

“Will you shut the fuck up?!” a pissed Jinwoo mentioned as Minhyuk rolled his eyeballs. “If you can't say something humorous then Zip it!”

“its nobody's fault that you're short in understanding too” Minhyuk laughed alone with Eunwoo shaking his head.

“That was lame. Jinjin's right. You should Shut Up” Eunwoo said, Minhyuk scoffing at them both. Jinwoo wasn't sure if he should be happy at the fact that Minhyuk was finally quiet or at the fact that it was Eunwoo who shut him up.

   “CHA. FUCKING. EUNWOO!” The voice hollered in the hallway as the trio paused their steps. Jinwoo was confused but not Minhyuk. Minhyuk grinned as he folded his arms in amusement. He could already tell who it was by the voice.

No one else had the boldness to call his Hyung that way and not give two fucks.

Minhyuk knew not only who but why because he had also seen the picture eunwoo posted on his social media page.

  “Bin?” Jinwoo raised a curious brow as said boy turned into a corner of the hallway running into them. Jinwoo observed the boy keenly as he matched towards them, the intent to kill in his eyes.

The Bad Boy wants Me || Binwoo || ASTRO ✔Where stories live. Discover now