"but i watch your eyes, as she walks by. what a sight for sore eyes, brighter than a blue sky."
"after the fireworks do you guys want to come over to my house?" mike asked.
"i have to be home, mike." eleven reminded him.
" hopper can just pick you up from my house, el, it's not a big deal." mike shrugged.
they all picked their spots right up front for the fireworks which where starting in about a minute.
el was next to mike, will was on the other side of mike, will was next to max, lucas was on the other side of max, and dustin was next to lucas.
"hey, el, why don't you come sit next to me so we can have some...girl time." max offered.
"sure, that sounds fun." el stood up.
will looked at max and she winked at him. he knew she did it on purpose.
will then looked over at mike, hoping that mike was looking back, but he was just staring at eleven as she walked by.
will could tell that mike thought she was beautiful as the blue sky on a bright, sunny day.
she took her seat and mike finally pulled his eyes away and looked down at his watch.
"fifteen seconds!" mike called.
with every passing second, mike and will's hands moved closer to each other.
will could feel his fingertips touching mike's, but neither of them seemed to notice or care.
mike had started to close his hand around will's.
the fireworks started to go off and the boys hands were completely intertwined. both of them watched the bright colors fill the night sky until they looked into each other's eyes.
"the fireworks are beautiful." will whispered.
"yeah, they are." mike looked down at wills lips and then back up at his eyes.
will then whipped his head away and looked back up at the sky, until the fireworks were over.
"those fireworks were awesome!" max smiled as the all started walking towards the exit.
"agreed." mike said and intertwined his hand with el's.
will looked at their hands and cringed. max noticed and went over to talk to el.
"hey, el, what's up!" max broke them apart.
"uh, hello, max." eleven furrowed her eyebrows.
"lucas, tell your girlfriend to stop being so annoying." mike yelled to lucas.
"shut up, man." lucas snapped.
"stop screaming, lucas, the whole world can hear you." dustin rolled his eyes.
"oh, don't you start with your bullshit, too." lucas fired back and they started their usual bickering.
"all they do is bicker." mike said to will.
"yeah, well that's their thing." will shrugged.
"hey, so you're coming back to my house, right." mike changed the subject.
"oh, i don't know, it is getting a little late and my mom expects me to be home soon." will rubbed his shoulder.
he was still a little shaken up by their hand-holding during the fireworks, and still a little hurt that mike didn't care.
"come on, will, it'll be fun! you can just call
your mom from my house and tell her you're going to be a little late!" mike planned."no, mike, i just want to go home, i'm really tired, okay." will told the boy.
"just for a little while, it doesn't have to be for a long time." mike argued.
"please, mike! i'm tired and i want to go home." will repeated.
"you're no goddamn fun! gosh, no wonder why people call you a fucking queer! you're a a momma's boy and a big baby!" mike exploded.
will opened his mouth, speechless. he could feel the tears forming in his eyes.
the rest of the party stopped to look at them, shocked at mike's outburst.
"shit will, i didn't mean it." mike sighed.
"yeah, mike you did!" will yelled.
"no, i swear i didn't!" mike defended.
"you did mean it because if you didn't you wouldn't have said it!" will cried and started to run.
"will! will!" mike screamed after him.
"you're such an asshole, you know that mike!" max yelled in his face and ran after her friend.
dustin looked at mike then followed after max.
will felt a sharp pain in his heart as he ran home. it started to rain outside as will ran, but he didn't care if he got wet or not, all he knew was that this is what it felt like to be heartbroken.
word count: 752

𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (byler)
Fanfictionthis story is based on the song heather by conan gray, in which will is jealous of mike and eleven's relationship because he has a crush on mike. will believes mike will never like him back because mike is straight, but what if will is wrong and mik...