"i wish i were..."
will and mike spent the entire week fooling around and getting caught up and just enjoying their time together. they did spend some time with the party, but mostly with each other.
it was the day before will and el were going back home, and the party decided to go to the arcade one last time before they had to leave.
"you guys are here again?" steve rolled his eyes as the party walked in.
him and robin started working there after the mall closed down when summer ended.
"yeah, but this time we have special guests." max smirked.
el and will waved to steve.
"hey, i didn't know you guys were back!" steve exclaimed and went over to hug them.
they hugged steve back and robin came over to the counter.
"hey, dingus, tell your children that we can't keep getting them in here for free." robin called.
steve pulled away from the hug and turned towards robin.
"i'm a little busy here. they just got back." steve nodded towards will and el.
"oh yeah, you guys moved." robin nodded.
el and will nodded.
"also, your girlfriends are here." robin pointed towards the door at the group of girls making their way in.
"okay, kids, go on and play some games for free, but—." steve started.
"—don't tell anyone or else we're dead. yeah, we got it." mike finished.
the 6 kids picked up their tokens and went over to the games, playing game after game and steve hopped over the counter.
robin rolled her eyes as steve flirted with them girls. gosh, he was awful.
robin turned to look at the kids and saw will nervously looking around and grabbed mike's hand.
she squinted, trying to figure out why he looked so worried and then she realized.
when the kids were moving on to another game she approached will. "hey, do you think we could...talk?"
"me? uh, sure." will sputtered.
he followed robin to the back room, thankfully no one was there.
"d-did i do s-something wrong?" will stuttered, nervously.
"no, you didn't. i saw you looking a little nervous, so i wanted to see if you were okay." robin replied.
"i'm fine, it's just that i..."
will didn't know what to say. he didn't know if he could trust robin with his secret considering he didn't know her too well.
"you were looking around to make sure no one noticed you were holding hands with mike." robin pointed out.
"so you know." will looked down.
"what do you think i know?" robin folded her arms.
"that i'm dating mike and i'm gay." will answered.
"yeah, well, i'm not judging you. trust me when i say that i'm the last person who would judge you." robin insisted.
"really? why?" will furrowed his eyebrows.
robin pursed her lips and looked at her shoes then back up at will.
"i, uh, i like girls..." robin confessed.
"really?" will's eyes got wide.
he was happy that there was someone other than himself, mike, and alex who weren't straight.
"yeah. listen, i know we're not close and all and you don't live here anymore, but i'm always one call away." robin smiled and handed will a slip of paper.
"thank you, robin." will grinned and hugged her.
"i really hate to break up this sweet moment
you two were having, but some girl was asking for you, robin." steve interrupted."a girl? asking for me?"
"i know, shocking. now, come on!" steve pulled her out of the room.
"remember what i said!" robin shouted to will as steve dragged her.
mike and max came walking into the room after steve and robin walked out.
"are you okay?" mike asked.
"we were wondering where you went." max added.
"i'm fine, i was just talking to robin." will replied.
"oh, good. come on, i want you to try to beat my high score on dig dug." max smirked.
"what's the score?" will stood up.
"it's better if you see it."
max grabbed his arm and took him to the game where all of their friends were standing.
mike smiled as he followed behind his boyfriend and his friend, feeling happy.
word count: 697
i tried to make this chapter happy because so many things are about to happen.

𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (byler)
Fanfictionthis story is based on the song heather by conan gray, in which will is jealous of mike and eleven's relationship because he has a crush on mike. will believes mike will never like him back because mike is straight, but what if will is wrong and mik...