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"what a sight for sore eyes."

it was a few months later, which meant it was april break.

the hopper's and the byers's were taking yet another trip to see their friends.

the party was planning to spend the whole entire week together. karen said it was okay for them to have sleepover in the basement some nights.

mike was once again staring out the window of his house, but this time he was not alone. the rest of the party was with him.

"are they almost here?" dustin asked.

"i hope they are." lucas replied.

"waiting is so stupid." max complained.

"yeah, especially when you're waiting for your boyfriend." mike agreed.

suddenly, a car pulled into the driveway and the four kids immediately jumped up.

mike was at the front, and opened the door. will came running and mike caught him in his arms. eleven came behind him and went right for max. lucas and dustin turned it into one big group hug in the middle of the doorway.

"ahem." hopper grunted and jonathan rolled his eyes.

"sorry." dustin apologized and they stepped out of the doorway.

"ugh, i'm so happy you're finally here. i haven't seen you since thanksgiving!" max exclaimed.

"i know, i missed you, a lot." el blushed.

"hey, nancy said we could go up in her room and have some girl time." max smirked.

"let's go." el giggled and the two girls ran upstairs.

"girls." lucas shook his head and walked towards the basement.

will and mike smirked at each other and followed lucas to the basement.

"why are you guys smirking?" dustin asked.

neither will or mike answered him.

"no, seriously, am i missing something?" dustin followed them.

"it's nothing, dustin, we promise." mike sat down on the couch.

will sat next to him and pecked him on the cheek.

"ohhh! i see why you guys were smirking." dustin winked.

mike made a face and will shook is head.

"you're so weird." lucas whispered.

"oh, i'm weird?" dustin asked.

lucas and dustin started with their usual bickering.

"here we go again." will sighed.

"hey, at least they won't notice us doing this." mike smirked and kissed will.

will kissed back and mike deepened the kiss. the kiss lasted about thirty seconds until both pulled away for air.

"that never gets old." mike whispered and will giggled.

"hey, want to play some dnd?" dustin asked.

"i'd thought you never ask!" will exclaimed.

"sure, we haven't played that in a while." lucas shrugged.

the boys sat on the table and set up the game.

meanwhile, upstairs, max was doing eleven's makeup.

el had just explained to max her feelings for michelle and how she didn't care about gender, she just cared about people.

"well, eleven, it doesn't matter what you are, i think that you can like whoever you want." max smiled and put down the mascara.

"thanks, max." el smiled back.

"now time for some lipgloss. this pink one is going to look amazing on you."

max started applying the lipgloss and as she got closer to el's face, she felt her heart beat faster. el felt the same feeling and tried not to blush.

max stopped applying the lipstick and looked at el's lips.

"max." el whispered and leaned in.

max then realized what was about to happen.

"what the hell are you doing?" max jumped back.

"oh, i, uh..." el sputtered.

"i have to go." max muttered.

she grabbed her stuff and ran out of the house. she biked home and ran into the house.

"hey! why the hell are you being so loud?" billy yelled.

"just, leave me alone, billy!" max cried and slammed her bedroom door closed.

she sank to the ground, feeling confused. she didn't want to like eleven, but maybe she did.

word count: 652
OMG, 8K??? THAT'S NUTS. also, i promise this is not turning into an elmax story, this is still a byler story, but i've decided to add a little elmax. if you guys would like a seperate elmax story, then i can try to make one, but just letting you guys know jm that this is and always will be a byler story. the thing i'm sad so say is that it's ending soon :(((.

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