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"i wish i were..."

will and el sighed as they jonathan pulled up to the school.

"thanks for the ride, jonathan." will got out with el after him.

"of course. have good day, you guys." jonathan replied and drove off.

will and el walked to the entrance and went inside.

"i do not like being here." el whispered and they reached their lockers.

"me either, but hey at least we have each other." will half-smiled.

"yeah, we can count on each other."


will thought that having eleven as a sister was nice. sure, he had jonathan as a brother, but it's easier to have someone his age who understands him.

"good morning, guys." a sweet high-pitched voice greeted them.

"good morning, michelle." will retuned the favor.

"hello, michelle, how are you?" el blushed.

"i'm great, el!" michelle smiled and the bell rang.

"english class?" el asked.

"yeah, english class." will answered

will, michelle, and eleven walked to their english class. will sat at the back and el sat in front of him and michelle was next to him.

will zoned out the entire class and just drew in his notebook even though he should've been taking notes. he probably would've copied michelle's after anyways.

will started writing names in his notebook until he realized he was writing W + M repeatedly.

"ooh, what does W + M mean?" michelle sang.

"nothing." will whispered.

"omg, you totally like someone!" michelle whispered-shouted.

el turned to look at them. will made a face at her. she gave a small nod and before turning back around, she looked over at michelle and softly smiled to herself.

"i don't like anyone." will lied.

obviously, he did considering he had a boyfriend, but he couldn't tell her that

"uh huh, sure. that's not what that paper says. ooh, is it mary?" she asked.

"what? no." will shook his head.

"fine, is it maria?" she guessed.

"no, michelle, it's not anyone!" will grunted.

"oh, that reminds me! is it the other michelle? michelle p?" she guessed again.


"fine, uh...is it your friend from home? maxine?" she smirked.

"what? no! and no one calls her maxine, everyone calls her max." will muttered.

"ugh, well who else could it be? i'm not—."

"michelle jones and will byers, silence please!" their teacher scolded.

"sorry." they murmured and turned back to their notebooks.

will was relived that michelle forgot about this during lunch and was finally happy that he got to go home and call his boyfriend.

he ran into the living room and dialed mike's number immediately.

"wheeler residence." mike answered.

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