"why would you ever kiss me?"
max rang the bell to the wheeler house and the door opener to reveal mike and will.
the two boys grabbed her arm and pulled her down to the basement.
"el is not okay." mike blurted.
"how subtle of you." will rolled his eyes.
"sorry." mike apologized.
"sh, it's fine." will said and kissed mike on the cheek.
"so are you just not going to tell me why she's not okay?" max asked.
"well, we don't exactly know why." mike answered.
"this is a waste of time." max sighed and walked to the stairs.
"no, no, no, wait! we can explain." will called.
max turned around and folded her arms.
"okay, so basically, we went for ice cream yesterday evening and el didn't want to come with us, so we let her stay home alone. when we got back she was sitting on nancy's bed crying with a bloody nose. there was a blindfold in her hand and the radio was all static." will explained.
"which means she saw something that upset her, but she didn't want to tell us what it was." mike continued.
"maybe she won't tell you guys, but maybe she'll talk to me." max said.
"yeah, and then you can kiss her." mike added.
max rolled her eyes at mike, then went upstairs to nancy's room and knocked on the door.
"el, are you there?" max called.
el came to the door and opened it a crack.
"go away." el seethed and slammed the door shut.
she locked it with her powers, then sat on the bed.
"what the hell? why don't you want to talk to me, el?" max asked.
there was so response from el.
"if this is about the other day, then i'm sorry, i was just really scared to confessed my true feelings and i still am, but i know that i have to. el, i like you, i really, really like you." max admitted.
she heard the door click and it opened to reveal el.
"if you like me then why did you kiss lucas?" el asked.
"kiss lucas, what are—. oh. oh! that's the thing you saw yesterday. i knew i heard you calling my name, i just was confused." max ranted.
"you didn't answer my question."
"i didn't kiss lucas, he kissed me! also, if you were there then why didn't you see me push him away?"
"y-you wh-what?" el stuttered.
"yeah, i pushed him away." max repeated.
"i left before that." el murmured.
"oh. well, i pushed him off of me. i didn't want to kiss him, i'm over lucas. if i'm being honest, there's this other person who i want to kiss who i was told also wants to kiss me, but i don't know if they still do even though i—."
el shook her head and kissed max. max opened her eyes wide, then kissed el back.
el was smiling and max was blushing when they broke the kiss.
"you did that to shut me up, didn't you." max raised her eyebrows and el giggled at the question.
"will you be my girlfriend?" max asked.
"yes." el grinned and kissed max once more.
"WE DID IT!" mike and will shrieked.
el and max turned around to see the boys watching them.
"uh, we're gonna go make out now, bye!" mike exclaimed and dragged will downstairs.
"why did say that, now they think we're weird!" will exclaimed as he ran down the stairs.
"also, we needed to get away quickly, so i thought of that. also, it's not like it's a lie!" mike said from the bottom of the stairs.
"and that's one of the reasons dating a girl is better." max pointed out.
el giggled and hugged max. max hugged back and the two girls were finally together, and they were happy.
word count: 603
okay, i know this chapter is like mostly elmax but we'll get back to our regularly scheduled programming for the last two chapters. i know, there's only two chapters left, i'm sad too :(

𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 • (byler)
Fanfictionthis story is based on the song heather by conan gray, in which will is jealous of mike and eleven's relationship because he has a crush on mike. will believes mike will never like him back because mike is straight, but what if will is wrong and mik...