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IT HAS BEEN about a month since Evie and Dave slept with each other for the first time and ever since they have been spending basically every free moment they have with each other. There's been a lot of nights spent at Dave's house and Dave has visited Evie's house too. John and Mia both adore him entirely, which only makes Evie's feelings towards him stronger. 

She really feels like her mental state is much better than what is was those weeks ago when they first met and so any reservations she previously held towards the possibility of a relationship between her and Dave have almost disappeared completely. 

It's becoming quite a joke around their friends that you won't spot Dave and Evie without each other at social gatherings. Nothing has been made official yet between them, but it really feels like the beginning stages of an important relationship. 

The only time they've really spent apart is in the last week over Christmas. Dave flew home to visit his family in Virginia for a few days, and Evie was completely preoccupied with her family too. Oliver of course came down to celebrate the holiday and it was nice to have all her siblings in the house together. 

Today Evie picked up a shift at the shop, probably the last one she will work before the new year. It doesn't happen often but due to circumstances of some staff not being able to work, Evie is on the shift by herself for the whole day. 

Lucky for her, it's just so happened lately that Kurt will stop by and keep Evie company for a while when she's working. It happened once that he came in and ended up behind the counter with her and they just sat, listening to music and sharing all their thoughts about life, politics and family with each other. Now he visits the shop and they have fallen into a routine of doing this. Today is no different, Kurt walks into the store at 1 o'clock, flashing a smirk as Evie looks up from the current drawing she's working on in her sketchbook. 

"Hey Kurt," Evie greets him.

"Evie. How are you today?" He asks, making his way up behind the counter and taking a seat on on of the stools.

"Alright. It's just me all day today so I'm glad you're here now," she tells him.

They've really become good friends in the short time that they have known each other. They kind of relate to each other through their shared fucked up childhoods, music taste and creativity. Evie thinks it's their astrological sign of Pisces which draws them together and Kurt enjoys listening to her explain this to him. 

"What are you working on?" He asks, nodding his head towards her sketchbook. 

She pauses for a moment, hesitant to explain what the drawing is exactly. It's much more personal than the stuff she draws up for the magazine. 

She turns the book towards him and he examines it closely. The drawing depicts a small girl opening a door into a black room in one box, then in another a noose with a lily flower where one would expect the person to be. Then in the last box she has drawn the image of lilies floating down the stream in the lake. 

"About your mom?" Kurt asks softly. 

"Yeah," Evie nods. 

"That's good. It must be therapeutic to get it down on paper like that," he says.

"It's very therapeutic. Art is therapy like no other," she informs him to which he agrees. 

A couple of hours pass by quickly with Kurt by her side. She knew from the moment he came into the shop for the first time searching for the Society 90 zine that he and her would be great friends. It was just a matter of time for them to get to know each other. 

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