The Meeting

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This takes place after infinity war, not every character will be included. Some may pop in during different chapters.

Tony is having a terrible day. First, his experiment about new blasters ended up blasting him, hard, into the floor. Next, he and Pepper got into a fight, which had her packing to leave for a while. Then finally, Peter was badly injured during a mission. Yeah, it's been a great day. So, now here he is, sprawled across the couch, eyes red-rimmed and exhausted. 

Tony's Pov

Gosh, this day... Once I found out Peter's bullet wound healed up, due to his super healing, it became less sucky. I forced myself to remember the mission, studying it for next time, until Back in Black began blaring. Groaning, I search for my phone, before finding it underneath the couch. Peyton, it read. Confused on why she would call after two years filled my face. But, I answered anyway. I hear my niece's raspy voice say, "Hello? Uncle Tony? It's Peyton... I'm sorry I haven't called in so long, I can explain-"

"Hey kid, it's alright. It's nice to hear from you now."

She lets out a relieved sigh, "Okay, good. Anyways I wanted to talk to you about something.."

"Sure, I'll buy it."

"No, no. That's not it."

"Then what Peyton? Is something wrong?"

"No.. Actually, my birthday is next week and I was hoping we could come to visit."

"Yeah sure, nothing is going on right now. Wait who's we?"

"Just mom and I. And well, since I live in Michigan and you live in New York... Could you send your private jet to pick us up tomorrow?"

I reply with a tired sigh, "Sure kid, I miss you both anyways."

"How long can we stay?

"As long as you want Peyton."

"Sweet. How 'bout until my birthday?"

"Sounds good sweetie. Listen, I gotta run, work stuff."

"Oh, yeah sure. Bye, Uncle Tony, I'll see ya tomorrow."

"Yep, bye kid." I hang up the call, rubbing my eyes, before stumbling into the bathroom. Turning the water on, splashes of cold water spread across my face. I gently pat my face dry and stare into the mirror. Right, I have to tell the others since we all live together in the compound. I hold down the intercom button on my phone, Hey, all of you super people, meet me in the living room stat- Tony out. Ha! I love doing that, I muse. Facing the clock, I wait two minutes before strolling towards the living room, fashionably late. Slowly approaching the room, I pick up grouchy voices, probably because I'm late. 

"Sorry I'm late," I announce, cue the eye-rolling. 

Steve stands up, "What's this about Stark?" 

I scan each of them, "Nothing really. I just wanted to let you all know my sister and niece are coming tomorrow. So don't freak if you see a strange woman and girl wandering around." From my mini-speech, I gained a few chuckles in return. 

Natasha speaks up, "Is it, Peyton?" Oh right, the team met her a while back when she used to come and stay here while her parents worked. 

"Yep," I reply with a nod.

"Aw yay. I missed her," Wanda smiles.

"How old is she now?" Bucky asks.


Steve aims his questioning face at me, "Seriously Tony? You don't even know how old your niece is?

"Well, I- I haven't seen her in over two years, Steve. Cut me some slack."

Natasha whips her phone screen towards me, "I just texted her and.. she is 14 about to turn 15."

My hand wipes across my face, "Geez. When did she grow up? That means she has her permit, maybe even a boyfriend!" I ramble worriedly.

"Tony. Tony! Calm down. She's probably already had many boyfriends-"

"Not helping Nat," Steve shoots out.

"I'm just glad she's visiting and not living here. I don't think I could handle a teenager." Sam and Clint mumble in agreement. "Hey, that was not meant to be agreed with!"

"Well, it's true," they whisper under their breath. Morans. Can't control them all.

"Okay whatever, the point is she's visiting till her birthday. So about a week here."

"Great, I see a girls night in the future," Nat winks at Wanda.


"Okay okay. I gotta get some sleep before they get here, so night." Giving a small wave, I trudge towards my bedroom. Falling onto my bed, the plush blankets consume me and I drift off to sleep.  

Next morning (Peyton's Pov)

My Uncle's jet came unexpectedly early. Usually, I sleep in till 9-10 am, but his private jet arrived at 8:30. Seriously Tony? It does make sense though because we'll arrive at 10 am now. And right now, mom and I are watching NCIS on the plane, which is super impressive by the way. I'm almost jealous of how wealthy my uncle is, but I like the quiet, simple life in Michigan. This doesn't mean that I don't love visiting though;). I began to gaze out the window, over-looking the clouds, the sky, and the cities. My eyes become droopy, as I struggle to hold them open... Until I give up and welcome myself to sleep. The intercom has been on as I blink and wake up. I caught the rest of his message: -and welcome back to New York, Peyton. Well, thank you, Mr. Pilot. Standing up and collecting my things, I walk towards the door. I stand in the doorway of sunlight, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I'm finally here and I can't help but smile. 

Mom and I link arms and saunter down the steps together, she is also smiling. I think we're both glad to be back. I sigh happily as we approach Tony and the others. Un-linking our arms, I skip- run towards them, capturing my uncle in a huge hug first. "Oof. Hey kiddo, I missed you."

"I missed you too Uncle Tony."

"Why don't you hug the others?" I nod in response, before calmly walking into Nat's open arms. Then Wanda and Clint, before a smile lit up on my face as I walked towards the three amigos- Steve, Bucky, and Sam. Giving gigantic hugs to each one and saying, "I missed you guys too."

Steve smiles, "And we missed you, Peyton."

Tony walks towards me and pulls me into his side, "Sorry Pey, Thor couldn't be here. Business on Asgard."

"Oh, it's okay," I smile, "I'm just glad most of you could be here."

"Tony," we turn around and see my mom. Tony smiles before giving her a huge hug in reply.

"Everyone, this is my little sis, Amy."

"I know all your names," she smiles, "It's nice to finally meet you all." They wave in return.

"How about we get you settled?" Tony suggests. I nod, before walking over to the three amigos, "Could you guys help me carry my bags?" "Sure," they reply.

"Geez, what's in here?" Sam complains.

"Oh sorry 'bout that, I overpack," I shoot them a sweet smile and they chuckle as we walk towards the building. Man, It's great to be home.

Author's note: Hey guys! This is the second series I've started, so I hope you like it:)

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