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Peyton's Pov:

"Wakey, wakey, little girl. Oi! I said, wake up!" A raspy, accented voice drawls out.

Rough hands press into my already bruised body and force me into a sitting position, I let out a pained groan. My eyes sting as I force them to open, warming up my senses, and my memory... My heart thrashes inside my chest and all I can hear is the blood pounding in my head, my mind in turmoil.

"What did you do to me?" A weak and pained voice escapes my lips. I force myself to look up at the man, taking in his twisted smile and sickening voice as harsh flashes of what happened replay in my mind.

"You should be thanking me. After all, it was all good fun. I sure did have fun," he smirks, eyeing my fatigued body with interest. I jerk from his gaze, ashamed I couldn't save myself.

"Jones, you've had your fun, now run along. Oh, and Jones, do the job right and maybe I'll allow you to play with her some more." The man, Jones, glances back in my direction before he walks out of the light.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Miss Stark. A definite thorn in my side. You almost ruined my wonderful plans for you, but it seems that things have worked in my favor after all." The man gives me a charming smile and if it wasn't for him being, well evil, I would think he was very handsome.

"I know all about your plans, you sick, twisted creep." The man slowly makes his way over to me and bends down so I feel his hot breath brushing over my face. "Now, Miss Stark, please don't be rude. The next time there won't be a warning."

I don't reply.

Peter's Pov:

I check my phone again for any texts or calls from Peyton, but nothing. It's been almost half an hour and I'm getting a little worried, even though she is related to Mr. Stark, Peyton doesn't seem the type to be late or stand me up. Go look for her.

I listen to this inner voice and decide to head towards the tower and look for her. Can't you call Mr. Stark to track her phone? Good idea, I should listen to myself more often. I hope Mr. Stark doesn't think this is my fault!

"Kid? How's your date?"

"Hey, Mr. Stark. Uh, well actually Peyton hasn't shown up yet. Is she still there?" There is silence over the phone until I hear him calling the others over.

"Hey, Pete, you're on speaker. So you are saying Peyton never showed? Are you sure she didn't text you or anything?"

"I'm sure. I have a bad feeling about this. Can you track her phone? I'm near the tower and I could check it out."

There is a brief pause before his voice rings through, loud and serious. "It says her phone is about four blocks from the tower in an alley off of West Valley way. We will meet you there." The phone cuts out and I hurriedly find cover and change into my suit before swinging over, making it in less than five minutes and even beating the Avengers.

"Kid? Is she here? Peyton!?" I look around, Peyton is obviously not here.

"No, but is this her phone?" I hold up a pretty badly damaged iPhone and hand it to Mr. Stark.

He turns it over a few times before giving it to Mr. Barnes, who stares with a worried and angry look on his face. Mr. Stark rubs both hands over his eyes and down his cheeks and takes a deep breath. He opens his mouth to say something, but stops and a horrified expression is plastered on his face. He points at the shady, darkest part of the alley.

"What is that." His voice, raspy and horse, breaks through the conversing Avengers.

Ms. Romanoff puts up a hand as to stop us men, but motions for Ms. Maximoff to follow her. Even with my advanced hearing, it's hard to hear what they are whispering about. Mr. Winter Soldier starts to walk over to their direction before Ms. Romanoff turns around, "Its blood. We're going to have to test it and see if it's hers."

Mr. Stark hurries towards the blood, placing his hand on a sample and asking Friday to test it. "It's Peyton. God! We should've not let her go."

Mr. Rogers rests his hand on top of the Iron Man shoulder. "Tony, the only thing we can do now is to try and find her as fast as possible. We all want her back, she is our family too, but we need to leave the scene and figure something out."

Mr. Stark stands up, brushing the hand off his shoulder before walking a few steps. "I'll meet you guys back at the tower, you too, Peter. We're gonna catch some bad guys." Then he's gone and all that is left is dust and scuff marks on the concrete floor.

We will find you, Peyton... I hope.

Author's note:

Hey guys! Thanks for reading this chapter because it is veryy late and I'm very sorry about that. I'm hoping to finish up the story soon so I can post one-shots whenever I have time. I am working on another book as well, a different universe than the Avengers though. As for this book, I'm kinda winging it so we will see where the plot takes me. Enjoy:)

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