I Love You

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Peyton's POV:

I wiggle my toes and fingers, checking to make sure I'm awake or even alive. I have no idea how long I've been here and I haven't eaten anything in several hours.

Moving my jaw I open my mouth, my lips pull apart slowly and painfully apart as I cringe. I always have chapstick with me whenever I go anywhere and the idea of having cracked lips was my biggest worry a few days ago. Now, it's staying alive long enough to see my family again.

With my eyes still closed, I strain my ears, listening for anything that will clue me in on where I am. I hear a boat horn... so I'm near the water, that doesn't help much. If possible, I focus even harder, needing to feel less helpless.


I flinch from the sudden loud noise but go back to pretending I'm asleep, maybe they won't bother me...

"Ah, Ms. Stark. I know you are awake, you need to work on your acting skills." Goosebumps spread on my body from the warm breath so close to my ear. I still don't bother to open my eyes or move.

"Come on darling, don't be like that. I've got something to show you after all." Keeping my eyes closed, I open my mouth and let out a horse, "Go to Hell."

Unfamiliar laughter rings through my ears before it abruptly stops and fingers squeeze my arms. "You better open your eyes, Peyton, or you will be punished." Not wanting to risk him touching me in any way, I squint each eye open and blink until I can focus on the psychopath above me. I muster up a furious glare and send it to the man.

"Now now, you better behave. We are going to entertain some guests," he smirks at me before painfully grabbing my arms and hoisting me upwards and all but dragging me across the concrete floor. Through my struggle, we end up inside a small concrete room with no windows and two doors. In the middle of the room, there is a camera hooked up to a monitor and they both are pointing to a wall. Against that wall is a dentist chair, restraints hang off the sides, and a rolling metal cart next to it, filled with all kinds of tools and needles.

My face immediately pales and I struggle even harder in the horrid man's arms. "No, No, Let me go! Please!" Another man joins in herding me towards the chair and my limbs flail about, trying to escape, trying anything to keep me out of this situation. Wetness falls down my cheeks as they manage to push me onto the chair and hold me down. I continue to struggle, not accepting that it's pointless and they are twice as strong as I am.

"Please, you don't need to do this!" I sob as they begin buckling me into restraints, one across my chest and one across my legs. I shake my head and try to move away as the lackey brings a gag closer to my face. I choke on a sob as the fabric is forced into my mouth and pulls painfully against my cheeks.

"Now, now Ms. Stark. Try and be cooperative," he grins down at me. Tears keep on flowing from my eyes, though now silently as I force myself to look away. The man, who I assume is in charge, stands in front of my chair effectively blocking me from the view of the camera before he begins to speak.

"Hello, Avengers. I understand that I have something that you want-"

"You're damn right you do," my uncle's voice interrupts. At this, I almost burst into tears as I can see the monitor from where I'm sitting, but I know they can't see me.

"I wouldn't interrupt again if you don't want Ms. Stark to experience any more pain." This erupts shouts of threats and questions from my family.

"Where is Peyton? What have you done to her, you're-"

"Ms. Stark is right here," the man steps aside so I am directly in front of the camera. I see the whole team through the monitor, their eyes betraying their relief and anger. "We haven't done anything, yet." I almost scoff, kidnapping me wasn't pain-free and my body aches at the reminder of it.

"Peyton," my uncle begins until tears leak out of his eyes and Bucky continues. "We will find you, кукла." His dark eyes stare into mine, revealing anguish and a longing to find me. I immediately believe him and I stare back with equal fervor, hoping he understands that I love him, that I love them all and I miss my family.

"It will be far too late then. My plan is finally in motion and I'm sure you know all about it and what it will do to Ms. Stark." The man snaps his fingers and another man in a white lab coat walks in from the second door. He brings a black medical bag with him and sets it down next to my chair. The doctor reaches inside and pulls out a large needle filled with a thick black liquid, ready to be plunged into my body. I panic and struggle through my bonds and look at the ceiling, knowing I can't handle watching my family's horrified faces. I can only hope that Friday can trace this live feed and find me soon...

I feel an IV slide into my left arm and I brace myself for the injection. I glance over at the doctor, right as he plunges the tube of the black substance into my IV until all of it is in my veins. I worriedly look at the monitor as my family screams threats and pleas. Nothing happens for a second until a burning sensation spreads throughout my body and I groan and shake.

"How do you feel Ms. Stark?" The man asks while slowly walking toward me. "Ah, right. Doctor, remove the gag." The 'doctor' fumbles with uniting the fabric before finally removing it. Coughing, I shudder at the thought of this serum inside my body and what it's doing to me.

Tears once again flow down my cheeks as I stare into the eyes of this vile man, "What did you do to me."

"No, it's what I did for you, Peyton." I hear growls and threats arise from the monitor.

"Now, let's test this serum." He leans down and looks into my eyes until he abruptly straightens back up and smacks me in the face. My head jerks to the side and pain spreads through my left side of my face, though not as strong as before. I clench and unclench my jaw experimentally and move my head back up to face the man. "Hmm, It seems like it hurt by the look on your face, Ms. Stark, though I have a feeling not as much as it usually would. Am I correct?" He stares into my eyes as if searching for my answer, but I just glare into his.

"Let's try something more stimulating, doctor." He nods at the man in the white lab coat and walks over to the camera again. "I hope you enjoy hearing her screams as I will, Avengers." Floods of protest and anger fill my ears as I await my fate. I force myself to stare into the camera as I mouth 'I Love You.'

"Begin Doctor."

Author's Note:

Wow, it's been far too long since I've updated and I apologize. School has been definitely been keeping me busy. I'm going to start writing the next chapter now since I have time and I've already been writing for a few hours anyway. This chapter is longer than usual, but I got excited and couldn't stop writing! Sorry that this chapter is pretty angsty, but enjoy it. BTW: I just published a new story about the Narnia fandom and would love it if you checked it out.

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