So What Now?

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Peyton's POV

I wipe my clammy hands onto my jeans, blowing out a breath and glancing at the screen. On the left, it shows Bucky, Wanda, and Steve sitting across from a young girl. She looks to be in her early twenties with black hair and piercing, dark blue eyes. Turning towards the camera, she smirks as if knowing that I'm watching. A shiver crawls up my spine leaving my hairs on end. Who is she? I don't have much time to think as a warm, calloused hand finds mine and I squeeze gratefully.

For about five minutes, Tony and I have been watching the interrogation, being mostly led by Bucky and the occasional appearance of the mind reader. Though, she seems to be talking fairly relaxed on her own, not being fazed by the powerful people in the room.

In the interrogation room...

Steve crosses his muscled arms and glares at the woman with a glare the winter soldier would be proud of. "Who are you?" He asks using a harsh tone that sounds foreign coming from Captain America.

The stranger laughs, "Intimidating is not a good look on you, captain." Steve seems unfazed and instead shares a look with Wanda. She nods.

Red tendrils leave her fingers and travel to the woman's head, who actually has fear shown on her resistant face. A few seconds later Wanda retracts from her mind, leaving her hands to dangle at her sides.

"Her name is Melany and she is a mutant. Her power being able to manipulate nightmares and plant them into her victims, rendering them useless and terrified." Wanda announces enraged, her accent flaring in.

Melany's smirk returns, "Well, I guess you know who I am and what I can do. Now what I'm wondering is why are you holding me captive instead of killing me where I stood? Which means you must need answers..." A chuckle escapes her lips. "You have no idea who hired me. Trust me, they will succeed in capturing that weak girl."

Bucky jumps out of his chair, leans over the metal table, and grabs her suit collar, pulling her so close to his face that she looks frightened.

"You can tell your boss he can't have her because she has all of us to protect her. I would rather die than have you take her and do whatever you are planning to do." Bucky drops her rather harshly and stomps out of the room.

The door slams open and then closed before I feel someone hug me. Bucky. He raises his right hand and wipes away tears that stubbornly escaped. I grab his hand, still holding Tony's, and continue to watch the monitor.

In the room...

"So, why Peyton? Your boss must have some reason because he could pick anyone. Except he chooses a girl in a tower full of superheroes. And you'd better answer or Wanda will for you."

Melany rolls her eyes, "You don't know, do you? Ha! Well, there's a story behind it." She chuckles, "It all starts with Howard Stark." Steve looks at the camera in suspicion.

"Howard made a serum, close to yours, captain. Basically, it gives the subject superhuman capabilities and my... boss plans to use it on her. And to answer your question, it can only be used with stark blood."

She leans back in her seat, "Now the wheels are turning."

"We're done here," Steve says while standing and grabbing her arm.

"Here," Wanda hands over the woman to two guards. They lead her down the hall towards the temporary prison cell.

Back outside...

"You okay, kid?" I look towards the voice. Tony.

"What? Yeah... Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well for starters, you just found out that a dangerous terrorist group is looking for you. They want to give you your grandfather's serum, experiment on you, and control you. Even I'd be shaken," A much deeper voice answered.

"Yeah well, I'm fine!" I announced, standing up and quickly walking to the elevator.

"Peyton!" I hear but ignore them. I need some time to myself and I've got lots to think about.

Bucky's Pov

Tony starts walking after her, but I reach out to my left to stop him. "Why don't I talk to her. I've got a pretty close experience with this."

He thinks for a moment. "Fine, but let me know if she is okay."

"I will," I promise before leaving for Peyton's room. I hope she is okay... Or will be.

Author's note:

Hey guys! I'm so sorry this took forever to post! I will try to post the next chapter within the next week or so, hopefully, sooner. I've been thinking and I want to finish the 'main story' either in the next chapter or in a few and start one-shots! It will be super cute stories with Peyton and the team! Hope you enjoy:)

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