New Friends

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Peyton's Pov

Lunch was....great. I guess I haven't noticed how much I've missed everyone and well, I don't want to leave. It feels so good to be wanted and to finally hang out with people because my summer's been very lonely. I've only hung out with a couple of people and mostly stayed at home all the time. Anyways today I'm meeting spiderman!! And I honestly don't know what to expect, except he's around my age. Right now I'm pretending to read The Red Queen in the living room while having internal conversations to mentally prepare myself to meet him. I'm not exactly an outgoing person and have trouble being... well, social. Mainly my troubles are about starting a conversation or keeping one going, precisely why I'm practicing.

"Peyton!" uncle Tony walks into the living room with a young boy, interrupting my internal monologue. I close my book and get a good look at the guy. He's taller than me (pretty much everyone is, I'm 5'2), wearing a star wars shirt, and has the cutest face with dark brown eyes and hair. Wow... Am I swooning? Wait, did I just say 'swooning'... who says that anymore?

"Earth to Peyton, you there?"

"Uh yeah, sorry," I turn to face towards the boy. "So you're spiderman... Nice to meet you! I'm Peyton Thomas, Tony's niece."

His chocolate-colored eyes widen before he introduces himself. "Uh, I'm Peter. Parker. It's uh nice to meet you too," he kindly replies, voice cracking. Which is adorable by the way.

"Nice shirt."


Tony gaped at us before saying, "Oh my god, it's too painful to watch. Peter, why don't you go and introduce yourself more, I'm sure Peyton wouldn't mind." I turn my head towards him, giving my uncle the 'really' look. Let him try to embarrass me but I'd rather have some fun.

"Actually, that's a great idea. Peter, I'll show you my room and we can hang out there," I say, acting innocent and holding back a smirk. Being bold for once, I loop my arm through his and lead him towards my room, not looking back.

Tony's Pov

"Um, what? No way can she and he be together in a room alone! Peyton, come back!"

Natasha appears next to me, "Tony, give them some space. They're teenagers after all."

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of! These kids are too young!"

"Come on Tony, their not getting married," Steve re-assures. I scoff at Steve before an idea pops in my head. A big smirk appears on my face.

"I've just gotten the grandest idea! FRIDAY, pull up the security footage from Peyton's bedroom on the TV."

"Of course, sir." Her bedroom came into view, showing Peyton and Peter sitting on the floor and leaning against her bed.

"See Tony, there's no need to worry. They are obviously just hanging out, which you suggested after all," Natasha says in an annoying 'I told you so' tone.

"Whatever. FRIDAY, alert me if something changes."

"You got it, boss."

Peyton's Pov

I dragged Peter into my room and shut the door. "Sorry about that Peter, my uncle can be pretty annoying and overprotective."

"Uh...It's okay, Peyton," his voice cracks on my name. I just plop down onto my floor Indian style and he does the same.

"So, you wanna do like a twenty questions kinda deal?"


"I'll go first. Why do you stutter?"

"I get nervous sometimes."

"Well, there's no reason to be nervous around me," I encourage. Peter gives me a shy smile in return. "Your turn."

"Umm, what's your favorite color?"


"Where are you from Peter?"

"Queens, New York."

"Wow, that's cool."

"What about you Peyton?"

"I'm from Michigan, I live right on Lake Michigan."

"That's also a pretty cool place to live." I thank him before we continue on for the next half an hour.

*Thirty Minutes Later*

"So Peter, can you stay for dinner?"

He warmly smiles, "Yep, I was planning on it." Dang, that smile! I'm can't fall for him, I'm leaving soon!

"Okay, great. Let's go eat." He easily bounces up off the floor and offers me his hand. I lightly blush and grab it, pulling me off the ground. I lead Peter out of my room and to the elevator, our chatting continuing the whole way down.

Author's note: Hey guys! This chapter is shorter because I wanted to update before leaving for another trip. I was a bit rushed writing this, so sorry it's not too good. Anyways I hope you enjoy it!

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