Even Superheros Need A Break

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Bucky's Pov

I gradually follow the path Peyton took, allowing her some time to think. I'm not sure how she feels, other than scared. I know that no one here would let anything happen to her, especially me. We treat each other like brother and sister, where I always am looking out for her and protecting her.

Reaching her door, I firmly knock twice, "It's Bucky." I wait for a few seconds, seeing if she'll open the door; when nothing happens, I move to open the door. Pushing the wooden door in, I step inside and walk over to Peyton who is curled up on her side on the bed, her back to me. I sit on the bed, near her feet, and put my hand on her leg. "Hey, you okay?"

She doesn't even blink, "I don't know.." She sucks in a watery sigh, "I am so confused right now that I don't even know what I'm feeling."

"You know that no one here would let anything happen to you, right? Especially me."

Peyton cranes her head to look at me and it takes almost all of my willpower to not pull her into a comforting hug. Her eyes, filled with unshed tears, look up expectedly at me like she is hoping for an answer. "Do you mean that, Bucky?"

"Of course I do. Me and your uncle, along with the rest of the team will always look out for you. And I can promise you that." My lips tug into a smile as she leaps over to me, placing her arms around my waist and her head on my shoulder. Only a couple of years ago, I wouldn't let anyone touch me, let alone hug me. Now look at me, not even flinching when someone jumps into my arms. I wrap my arms around Peyton in return.

"Thank you. It seems you always know what to say," she breathed, smiling as she stands up and takes my left hand. "Well, since we've got nothing planned... What about a movie?" She hesitantly asks.

"Depends..." Her smile fades just a little. "Is there going to be popcorn?"

"Um, yes?"

"Great, I'm in." She grins happily, pulling me out of her room and towards the theater.

*In Theater*

"So, what movie are we watching?" I ask her.

"Not a clue, uncle Tony has literally every movie for free!" she replies while scrolling through hundreds of movies on the screen.

"Oh, we are so watching this one. I haven't seen this movie in ages!" Peyton excitedly announces.

"Isn't this a kid's movie?" I question.

"It is most definitely not. I may have watched it when I was a kid, but the bigger story behind it is for a mature audience." She says defiantly, while I chuckle.

The movie begins, showing a dark grey sky and a warplane. I immediately knew what time period this takes place in. World War II. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Peyton glancing nervously at me. I look over and grasp her hand, "Don't worry about me."

The camera zooms out, showing the plane shaking and another plane near is on fire, barrelling towards the ground. A city somewhere. The radio communications are fuzzy, phasing in and out. The pilot gives a command and the man riding shotgun presses and pulls multiple levers, revealing bombs dropping from the plane. We see multiple explosions throughout the city from the sky.

The camera now shows a young boy looking out the window, while bomb sirens ring out. He doesn't look much older than 10 years old, with black hair, piercing blue eyes, and pale skin covered in freckles. A woman runs towards him yelling, "Edmund! Get away from there." She hastily closes the curtains and calls for someone named Peter. He runs in the room and I realize that he too is just a boy. He looks to be around 13 years old with a mess of blond hair atop his head. The woman pushes Edmund towards the older boy, "Quickly, the shelter. Now!" Peter pulls his brother and says, "Leave it!" when Edmund tries to grab something.

"Mummy!" A little girl yells from her bed, hands over her ears. In comes running an older girl, with black hair, looking to be near 12 years old. The elder shines a light over the little girl and runs towards her, "Lucy, come on!" She grasps hands with Lucy and they run outside.

The girls meet up with the rest of the family, all running outside to their shelter. Edmund suddenly turns around and runs towards the house saying, "Wait, dad." Peter tries to reach him, but is unable and promises to get him and follows him into the house. Their mother yells for them to come back, but her calls fall deaf upon their ears. Edmund sprints into the living room and snatches up a picture of their father in uniform. I didn't even think about the kids when I was fighting in the war. I never realized things were so bad where families live...

Peter shortly follows behind him, yelling in warning, "Edmund, get down!" He grabs his brother by the waist and tackles him onto the ground under the window, just as an explosion goes off nearby; the windows break and glass shoots out into the room. Peter hurriedly stands up and grips his brother's arm saying, "Edmund, come on!" He drags his younger brother out of the house again and they rushed to the shelter. Peter goes off on his brother, screaming on how selfish he is and how they could've been killed. The mother shushes him and the kids look towards Edmund, who is panting and clutching a broken frame with a picture of their father inside. Their mother hugs the younger boy while he lays there frightened.

"Why can't you just do as your told?" Peter asks him. Edmund looks up at him in an almost glare. The older boy just turns around quickly and slams the metal door shut. The scene ends. This reminds me too much of Steve, as he never listened to me. And he always got into fights and arguments with people.

A new scene comes onto the screen, showing a crowded train station. The mother is shown attaching a tag to her youngest daughter's coat telling Lucy that she needs to keep this on. She then moves to Edmund and does the same as he pouts and looks dejected and a little bit angry.

The camera moves to show what the boy is staring at. It's a poster that says 'Help the Children, Housing Evacuees is a National Service.' The boy looks down at his mother, "If dad were here, he wouldn't make us go."

The eldest, Peter, faces his brother, "If dad were here and the war was over, we wouldn't have to go." Their mother ignores this and asks, "You will listen to your brother, won't you Edmund?" The woman stands up and hugs him, the boy pulls away slightly, but the mother kisses him anyway. She moves and hugs Peter. "Promise me you'll look after the others," she pleads. Peter closes his eyes and tries to be strong. "I will mom," he promises into her shoulder. The mother hugs and kisses the girls and steps back. This reminds me of my family before I left to fight. The youngest looks like my youngest sister. Man, I really miss them.

"Alright, off you go." The kids pick up their suitcases and head towards the train. Peter and Lucy hand in hand. Lucy looks back, sniffling. They hand over their tickets and walk closer to the locomotive. Lucy stops and quietly starts crying while Peter leans down and reassures her that everything is going to be alright. The little girl leans on his shoulder sadly. They hop aboard the train and a man closes the door behind them. The camera then shows all the teary-eyed mothers looking for their children. Showing, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy as they stick their heads out one of the larger windows. They wave to their mother as the train leaves the station.

A few moments later it shows the train speeding down the tracks in a beautiful country and the title pops up. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. What a strange name.

Peyton leans over towards my seat, "Wait until later, this movie takes a surprising turn. Almost a whole new genre change."

Two hours past where we sat and watched the first Narnia movie. And the second. And the third. Eventually, the whole team turned up and watched them with us. I even pictured them as some of the characters. Steve being Peter, Tony or even I being Edmund, Susan being Wanda, and Lucy being Peyton. As we marathoned through the day and night, everyone forgot about the threat and quickly became engrossed in the movie. Even I. After all, even superheroes need a break.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I apologize that this chapter took so long to be updated! I admit to having a bit of writer's block and decided that this chapter needed to become a break from the plot. I've recently been loving the Narnian movies again and decided to have the characters watch the movie. Well, only the beginning. I could have dragged it on much longer but decided against it. I'm sorry if you don't find this one interesting, I was trying something new. Anyways I hope you enjoy:)

*I do not own the Narnian movies or characters*

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