First Night

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Peyton's Pov

The rest of the day consisted of the team giving me tours of the compound. Tony and Bruce showed me the labs, Steve, Bucky, and Sam showed me the training rooms and the weapon room. Nat and Wanda showed me the pool and spa and Clint showed me the theater room. I could get used to all of this. Maybe I can convince mom to let me visit more. Anyways, once dinner rolled around, Tony ordered pizza and we ate it while watching HGTV. Since then, the guys have retreated into the living room and the girls into my room. My mom had work things so it's just Nat, Wanda, and I. And for the last half an hour, we've been painting our toenails, sitting on the floor, and listening to music. Natasha pauses, then places the brush back into the bottle, resting her hand on her knee.

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" She presses, I reply with a sigh.

"Nat, trust me everything is fine. Actually, I'm the happiest I've been in years," I smile.

She nods and I hope that means she's letting it go. Wanda sensing discomfort, changes the subject, "Can you grab the face masks from the bathroom? I put some in there yesterday."

I chuckle as she winks, "Sure." I stand up carefully then begin to hobble into the bathroom, walking on my heels. Counting three packages, I hobble back into my room and cautiously plop down. "Here you go," I give them one package each. Mine's a tiger, Wanda's is a polar bear, and Nat's is a monkey. Once I put the mask on, it kept falling back off, until I tilted my head and looked up at the ceiling. I laughed at the women's faces and they laughed at mine. "How long do these things stay on?" I impatiently ask Wanda.

"Ten minutes." Ugh.

"Nat, can you turn on NCIS?"

"Sure Pey." She fumbles for the remote while looking at the ceiling, as I snickered at her.

"You can't see, but I'm glaring at you," she remarked.

"And you can't see, but I'm rolling my eyes at you." She scoffs before pressing play, all of us tilting our heads for the right angle to watch.

Tony's Pov

Something's up. Peyton acted strangely when Nat asked about her hair and what she's been up to the last two years. I should find my sister, she would know. "Hey guys, I'm going to find Amy." They mumble an 'mhmm' in response as I leave the room. Heading towards my sister's room, I just hope she can give me some answers. Reaching her door, I rap my knuckles three times against the wood, then I wait. The door cracks open and my sister's face peeks out. "It's just me." She lets out a breath of relief, opening the door all the way, letting me inside. I stroll over to the small couch and take a seat, patting the spot next to me. When she joins me, I ask, "What's been going on with Peyton? She's been acting differently."

She sighs, "Peyton told me not to say anything until she's ready." Oh god- "Tony!" Amy interrupts my train of thought, "It's not what your thinking."

"How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Because I do. Because I'm your little sister." She lays her hand over mine, smiling. "Just, please don't ask her. I'll make sure she tells you soon." I nod in response, unable to speak. It better not be anything bad.

"I'm going to go back and watch the football game with the guys."

"Okay, goodnight Tony," she pulls me into a hug.

"Goodnight Amy."

Peyton's Pov

After ten long minutes, our nails were dry and our facemasks completed. Time for a movie. "Want to go into the theater to watch a movie?"

Natasha shrugs while Wanda replies with a cheerful, "Sure!"

"Great! I'll go and get snacks and you can pick out the movie." They both nod and head off towards the theater. As I was approaching the living room, I remembered the guys were watching football. Well then, I guess I have to be sneaky. A mischievous look appears on my face. Channeling my inner spy, I stick to the shadows and against the wall, careful where I step and how loud I breathe. Once I reached the kitchen, I let out a long, quiet, breath. I search the kitchen until I find the microwave popcorn, Twizzlers, Skittles, and M&M's. Quietly, I pull the fridge open, snatching three water bottles. I'm going to walk out the regular way, I have way too much to carry. Almost out of the living room unseen, I dropped a water bottle. Crap. The other's jump into action, their defensive poses directed at me. I chuckle nervously, showing them a small smile, "Sorry."

Tony and Sam clutch their hearts and let out a breath of relief along with the others. Tony starts to chuckle, "Geez Kid, you scared us.." Receiving looks from the others he adds, "Or just Sam and I." Sam punches his arm, "Ow," Tony begins to rub it. I roll my eyes and bend down to reach the fallen bottle.

"Where are you going with all that stuff?" Steve questions.

"Oh, Nat, Wanda, and I are going to watch a movie in the theater. Wanna join?"

"Sure," Bucky answers, looking around the group also agrees.

"Great! Let's go." I hand the waters to Clint and the popcorn to Tony. "Can you make some popcorn please?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you there."

"Okay! Bye uncle Tony," I yell as I lead the group into the movie room. The previews are already playing when we arrive.

"Hey, Pey! What took you so long?"

"Sorry guys, I ran into some people who'd like to join us," I answer finding a seat in the reclining movie chairs. On my left sits Bucky and on my right is the seat I'm saving for Tony. "What movie did you pick?"

"Harry Potter: The Sorcerers Stone," Natasha answers. Sweet, I love all of the Harry Potter movies! The beginning credits begin as Tony takes his seat next to me. I lean in and whisper, "Were watching HP number 1." He nods then claps his hands once to turn off the lights. As the movie plays I think, if this much happened today, I wonder what I'll do tomorrow.

Author's note: Another chapter done! I would probably write this short series faster if I wasn't working on my other series. Which by the way, you should check it out. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy:)

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