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Peyton's Pov:

My ears are ringing as I groan, my aching body trembles as I struggle to remember what's going on. I hear whispers until the ringing in my ears stops and I realize that they are shouts. Yelling from my family and the men in the room.

"You said the serum would work, doctor! Why hasn't she gotten a higher pain tolerance?" The man screams at the doctor.

"Boss, she has a higher pain tolerance, just not as high as we would like. It seems as if her muscles are stronger and her body seems more developed now. She is stronger like you wanted-"

"This isn't what I wanted! She was supposed to be like the Winter Soldier, not a slightly stronger teenager."

The doctor steps back with his hands raised, "Sir, It will work just give it time-"

"There is no time to wait!" The boss yells. "We need her ready now! Inject her again!"

"Sir, we need to run more tests, it's not safe."

"I don't care, doctor!" Deciding not to wait for him, the boss snatches the syringe from him and plunges the tip into my leg.

I scream.

All I can do is scream as my back arches off the chair and the ringing in my head intensifies until it all becomes too much. Black spots flood my vision, threatening to pull me under, to take me away from all this agony. I can't fight much longer as I let the shadows envelop me to take away my pain. Before I was too far gone, I hear my uncle.

"You'll pay for that! Next time I see you, I'm going to rip you apart with my own hands! That's a promise," my uncle roars from the monitor as a tear slips down my cheek. I welcome the darkness and all I feel now is numb.


All I hear are mumbles and a piercing static in my ears. I quietly groan and try to move anything, my back arches a little bit, but even opening my eyes takes too much energy. "Pey- Wake up- Pleas-," is all I pick up from the voice close to my right ear. I flinch when I feel an icy wash-cloth gently rub over my ear and side of my face.
"Hey, hey. Don't W- It's okay." My body instantly relaxes, like turning into jelly, when I recognize the voice. All I can do is cry in relief. Big wet tears drop onto my cheeks and I start to sob as I feel calloused hands try and wipe my tears away.

My parched lips part open and I utter out two words, "Thank you." I'm immediately attacked in a hug, my sobs turning into soft cries of relief of my rescue. Eventually, I find the strength to squint my eyes and then slowly work to open them. When I do, I'm staring into the relieved face of my uncle. I point at the cup of water next to my bed, silently asking for help.

My uncle brings the straw to my lips and I take a few sips before he puts the glass back on the table.

"God, Peyton. You've had us all worried. I'm so sorry, so sorry," he breaks off, shaking his head before putting it between his hands.

"I'm sorry."

He looks up suddenly, guilt painted on his face, "No, no, no. It is not your fault. It's mine. I didn't protect you, I didn't try hard enough. I'm sorry, Peyton," he glances down as if he is crying.

I reach out and place my hand on top of his before grabbing it tightly. "Uncle Tony, this isn't your fault. I got attacked and didn't know enough defense to get myself out of it. How did you rescue me and where are the others?"

"There were too many people in the room so Bruce threw everyone out, except me. On how we found you... Well, I found a bug on Friday which was infiltrating my system and blocking your location. Once I got that taken care of, I tracked you, kicked butt, and brought you home."

"Are the men who experimented on me in custody?"

His face clouds into a dark look, "They're dead. They can't hurt anyone else and it turns out they had stolen weapons and classified information about the United States. We found plans for future hits and... for you."

For me? What? "So I'd be a weapon that they can control?" I say fearfully.

"I wasn't going to let that happen. I love you, Peyton. You're like a daughter to me."

My tears return, but this time they are from all the happiness that came from those words.

I smile through my tears, "I love you too, you've always been like another father to me." He embraces me in another warm hug, I can't help but sigh.

A thought that has been floating around my head comes into attention. "Uncle Tony, what did they do to me?"

He releases me, pulling back to sit in the chair next to my bed. "They gave you a serum. It's supposed to make you like Cap, but your blood tests have shown that the qualities aren't as strong. Your body is still healing, I was cleaning the blood off your face when you woke up."

I look at him, worry filling my eyes. "Am I going to be okay?" I ask, my voice cracking. He reaches out and holds my hand. "You are gonna be just fine. I'll make sure of it."

"Can Bucky come in?" I ask my uncle, who gives a little sigh. "Sure kid. Friday send Barnes up here. I gotta take a shower, it's been a few days since we've rescued you."

"A few days!" I look at him in alarm.

"Hey, don't worry. You are fine now and on the road to recovery. I'll come by when I'm done to check on you." He leans down to press a kiss onto my forehead before leaving the room.

Seconds later, Bucky throws open the door and speeds over to my bed, pulling me into a fierce hug. My body is still achy so I let out a little groan and a wince. Bucky alarmingly drops the hug and instead, stands next to my bed, guilt brimming in his eyes.

"It's okay, my body is just a bit sore." His tense posture relaxes a bit before he allows himself to sit down in the chair. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault."

Not you too, I mentally sigh.

"Bucky, none of this is your fault. Though maybe you and Nat could teach me some self-defense?" He perks up and looks a little excited at the idea. "We'd be glad too. Everyone was so worried. I was so worried."

"I'm fine now, things will get back to normal soon, well as normal as they can be now."

"I'm just glad we found you and that you're safe." He stares at me, his gaze full of love and lingering guilt. I know he loves me like a sister, I love him too.

"You've always been like a big brother, Bucky. Thank you for helping to rescue me."

"I love you, кукла. I'm glad you're safe and so I can make sure nothing happens like this again." A fierce protectiveness shows on his face and all I can do is smile.

"Can you stay to watch a movie with me? Uncle Tony can bring the popcorn because I'm starving."

"Of course, anything you want. Here, drink some water first." He grabs the cup filled with water on the bedside table, lifting the straw to my lips so I can take a sip.

"Thanks." He gives a little smile in return.

Bucky searches for the remote and turns on one of my favorite movies, Parent Trap. A few minutes in, uncle Tony joins us with my favorite soup, potato, and some popcorn. As we watch the movie, I can't help but feel grateful for the two men sitting next to me. Though residing worry bleeds into my mind as I think about what they injected me with. Questions pop into my head, adding to my fear.

I take a deep breath. Just enjoy today, you can think about all of that tomorrow.

So, I focus on the movie and the company, eventually becoming sleepy. As my eyes close, I'm not worried about the darkness because I know I'm safe between my dad and my brother.

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