A Compilation of Reactions

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Note from the Author:

Okay, there will be five POVs in this chapter:

First, Our Sunshine Boy, Adrien.

Second, Nino Lahiffe the Turtle.

The third is our Reporter that believes Lila, Alya.

Fourth, is the Liar in the flesh.

And fifth is Queen Chloe.

Also, I'm debating if I'm going to make Lila lie about Ladybug saying things negatively so Alya shuts down the Lady blog. The main reason is that the Lady blog was mostly about Lila anyway and along with that, it gets more Adrien salt. You can write down your opinion in the comments~

But anyway, my writing here is yip-yap, so let's see how the class reacts to Marinette switching schools!

Just so you guys know, I do not like how Ms. Bustier acts in this chapter. Obviously, she is trying to right a wrong, but how she treats Lila here is completely horrible. I would never want to meet a teacher who would do that, to any student. Even Miss Pants on Fire...


He walked into the classroom and the first thing Adrien noticed was the fact that everyone, including Lila, was in the classroom. Wait, no. Marinette wasn't here, but she's always late. Adrien didn't bother worrying about it.

He sat down in his seat next to Nino and noticed Lila had switched spots. "Lila, that's Marinette's seat."

Lila burst into crocodile tears. Adrien saw that they never fell off her face, instead, crowding in her eyes, which made her look like she had poked them multiple times. "Please don't talk about that bully!"

Adrien furrowed his eyebrows and opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Ms. Bustier walking into the classroom.

"Class, take out your History books. We will review pages 45 to 60. Then we will have a quick quiz. Understood?"

Juleka raised her hand. "Ms. Bustier, aren't you going to wait for Marinette?"

Nino nodded. "Yeah, you always wait for a few minutes before starting class. Marinette's always late."

Ms. Bustier stared at them coldly, shocking the whole class, including Adrien. "Marinette will not be attending Francois-Dupont anymore."

Rose gasped, and said in her squeaky voice, "What happened to her?"

"She has transferred schools," Ms. Bustier said coolly, her eyes narrowed and nose uplifted.

Adrien was startled, his mouth open, eyes wide. "B-But why?"

Ms. Bustier looked at him, her icy gaze sending a shiver down his spine. Then she glanced at Lila.

 "Miss Rossi, do you have any medical issues right now? I want to make sure we can make you feel comfortable while you work on your history quiz." Her voice was sickenly sweet.

Adrien could hear Lila gulp from his seat. "O-Of course Ms. Bustier. I still have my tinnitus, and of course my bruises and scars from when Marinette bullied me in the Summer." She shed a quick crocodile tear, and Adrien saw Alya wrap her arms around Lila.

"Well. Do you have any papers or notes from either your doctor or mother?" Ms. Bustier asked, a disapproving look on her face.

That's when Adrien realized; Marinette put Ms. Bustier to this. She told Ms. Bustier Lila was lying. Didn't he tell her to take the high road? Why hadn't she listened? And what consequences were the class going to face because of her selfish actions?

Nino's POV:

"Well. Do you have any papers or notes from either your doctor or mother?" Ms. Bustier asked, a disapproving look on her face.

Nino knew Lila didn't. She never did, for some reason. But why didn't she? Maybe he should be thinking about that... Nino tapped his finger on his chin.

Alya raised her hand. "She has proof, miss. There are bruises all over her arms, and one on her face." She growled. That was unlike Alya. "That monster did it."

Ms. Bustier smiled. Or was it a smirk? "Well, Lila. Let me see your bruises."

Lila extended her arm, and Nino caught a look of triumph flash on her face before it was replaced by tears. "A-Alright."

Ms. Bustier walked over to Lila, and accidentally (?) knocked Lila's water bottle onto her arm. "Oh! I'm sorry Lila." The teacher had a small grin on her face. What was wrong today? 

Lila looked panicked. When Nino looked closer, he saw that the bruises were melting off her. Makeup! It was makeup! 

When Nino looked around, he realized all the other faces were of sympathy. What? And, was Alya glaring at Ms. Bustier? Adrien had his hands covering his face! Why didn't they realize it was a hoax? Why... hadn't he realized it?

Alya's POV:

Alya glared at Ms. Bustier. She had spilled water all over Lila's arm, and it was bleeding. How could she? Well, it was probably an accident. Ms. Bustier wouldn't even do that to Chloe. It was probably an accident. Probably.

Ms. Bustier seemed shocked that the class was looking at Lila in sympathy. Of course, they would be sympathetic! Sometimes teachers were so dumb.

"Anyway, class, take out your books now," Ms. Bustier finally managed to get out. Alya rolled her eyes. Dumb, just dumb.

Lila's POV:

Lila could not believe it. The whole class, minus Adrien, thought that her makeup bruises were bleeding! That wasn't even possible. How oblivious and stupid could these people be? She smirked inside. This was good. The whole class made up her army of loyal hounds. She would use them to do what she did best. 

Destroy that girl's life.

Chloe's POV:

Chloe Bourgeois was not a good person. She had bullied Marinette her whole life and had never felt any empathy for anyone but herself.

But Chloe could do something Lila couldn't; change.

Chloe wanted to change now, she wanted to be better. That was why she hadn't bullied Marinette while Lila had. That was being a regular bystander right?

But she wanted to be a hero, like Ladybug, like her alter-ego, Queen Bee.

That was why she planned to visit the bakery after school

Note: I think this was a decently long chapter. Eh, it was okay.

Anyway, comment, comment, comment!~

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