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Emma's POV

It's no lie that every girl dreams about getting married.

From the first Disney Princess Movie you've ever seen until the day you say I do, you dream about it.

As you get older you tend to make Pinterest boards.

One for a summer wedding, and one for a fall.

You have to plan for either one because you're 15 years old, and you haven't decided if you want a November or an August wedding.

Then as you get even more older and you start having serious relationships, you wonder what your wedding will be like with your guy.

Throughout Ethan's and my relationship and engagement, I've dreamed about this week.

This week is big.

Sunday is my bridal shower. Monday? I'm preparing my wedding gift to Ethan. Tuesday is Tenley's adoption day, Wednesday is salon day (waxing, hair and nails, tanning. You know, the whole bridal works.), Thursday is my bachelorette party and Ethan's bachelor party, and Friday is rehearsal dinner, and finally: Saturday is Our Wedding Day!

I managed to snag three paid weeks off of work, and Ethan is able to work from anywhere as long as he has his laptop, so both of us are taking some time off from work to be together as a family, especially since I'm adopting Tenley on Tuesday.

This whole week plus Ethan's and my honeymoon is gonna be amazing.

Lisa and Sean even offered for Ethan and I to stay in the lake house for our wedding night, so that we have a nice place to relax before we fly out to Greece.

Everything is gonna be perfect. It's all under control, and everything is all set to go.

Ethan's POV

This week is the biggest week of my life.

The woman of my dreams is becoming my beautiful wife, and also is officially becoming my little girl's mother.

Emma amazes me every day. I'm so happy that I get to take care of her for the rest of our lives.

The way she cares for me, the way she stepped up as a mother figure for Tenley and now she's becoming her real mother, and the way she loves both me and our little girl is just astonishing.

How did I get so lucky?

Throughout the past seven years (how long I've known Emma), the biggest lesson I learned is this.

Emma and I are better when we're together.

Everything is better when we are around each other, and we make such an amazing team together.

I always had a feeling that the universe was making us save up for something amazing during the six years Emma and I were apart.

It's true. We had to push through those six years, and our reward is the life we're living now.

About to be married with one kid.

Keep your promises even in times of doubt, because that's how I am marrying Emma, and keeping the promises I made to her was the greatest decision I've ever made.

After all, I am gonna be her husband in a few days.

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