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Emma's POV
Three Months Later

I'm 30 weeks along now, and things have been going pretty smoothly.

Tenley started first grade in August, and Ethan and I couldn't believe it. She's turning six next week.

We're having a birthday party for her at our house with our family, a few of her friends from dance, and a few of her best friends from school.

Ethan and I have both been working three days a week like usual, and it's the best schedule for us.

It gives us time to spend with Tenley, and it gives us time to spend together.

Ethan and I painted the nursery a light grey color, and we decorated the room with little accents of pale pink.

We also got all of Tenley's old baby furniture from the storage room in our basement, and we set up the nursery so that it's ready to go for when the baby is born. It's nice to be able to check that off the to do list since we're kind of busy right now.

Ethan and I have still been able to go on little dates most weekends, and we even went to my uncle's cabin just the two of us.

I can't believe we've almost been married for a year already. Time flies when you're in love.

There's no doubt that Ethan and I are still falling more and more in love with each other every day. It was part of our wedding vows, but we didn't even have to try. That's just how we feel about each other anyway.

This baby girl in my belly has made us closer as husband and wife, and it's made Tenley and I closer as mama and daughter.

Tenley loves to feel the baby kicking, and she loves to talk to the baby all the time.

It's so adorable. She's going to be the best big sister.

On the other hand, Ethan kisses my belly at every chance he gets, and he also talks to the baby all the time.

He's starting to grow his 'I'm gonna be a dad' facial hair. It's cute, but he's a little too scruffy.

We also have about two and a half months until Baby Taytum is born, so Ethan got a little too much of a head start on the beard.

We still get to babysit Maeve frequently, and she's gonna be 1 right around the time that Taytum is born.

She's starting to walk, and her hair is starting to grow enough to the point where her hair can go into pigtails. It's so cute. Ethan and I love being her aunt and uncle.

Tenley loves it when we get to babysit Maeve, and they've easily become best friends as cousins.

Once Taytum finally gets added to the mix, I have a feeling it's gonna be a little trio of best friends.

Ethan and I had the 'you're gonna be a big sister' talk with Tenley to explain to her that we still love her just as much as the new baby, but babies need a little extra attention sometimes. She just smiled and said: "That's okay. I can help with Baby T."

She's the sweetest big sister already, and the baby isn't even born yet.

Ethan and I were happy that Tenley understood what we were trying to say.

Since she's six now, for her birthday Ethan and I decided to give her room a complete makeover, to make it fit more with her age.

We painted it a light grey-blueish color, and we made it really cute for her. She even picked out a few items for her room, and we based the decorating off of that.

Even though her birthday isn't until next Thursday, we already finished her room, and revealed it to her.

She was so excited, and her reaction was the cutest thing ever.

She was running around the room and checking all of her cool new decorations and furniture out, while excitedly squealing once in a while.

It was so cute.

I was thankful that while we were redecorating her room and finishing the nursery, Grayson helped Ethan carry everything upstairs. That definitely wasn't a job for me to do since I'm 30 weeks pregnant, so Grayson was a big help to us.

I just hung out with Alex, Maeve and Tenley downstairs while the twins were upstairs putting all of the furniture together.

We had a fun day that day.

Overall, we've been doing great, and I can't wait for this baby to come.

I've been getting more and more cravings lately, and I even woke Ethan up at 3 am the other day so that he could get me a bowl of popcorn and some orange juice.

He got up without complaint and went downstairs to get it for me. He's been nothing but good to me throughout this whole pregnancy, and our marriage.

Hell, he's been nothing but good to me since we met. He's truly my soulmate.

Sometimes he gives me strange looks when I tell him what my cravings are, but he ends up making the things I ask him for.

I had some maternity clothes that were cute with my baby bump, but I mostly stuck to wearing Ethan's t-shirts or his sweatshirts, and a pair of my leggings.

Tonight was date night for us, and Tenley was staying the night at Grayson and Alex's.

Ethan took me to a nice restaurant, and then we went to the comedy club.

It was so much fun to be in the audience together and just have a lot of laughs.

I loved how Ethan had his arm around my waist as we sat at one of the tables there. He's always so affectionate towards me, and protective in a good way.

We went to Millennium Park to walk around together, and he held my hand as we walked.

They had hot apple cider that they were selling from a food truck, so Ethan and I bought one to share. It was really good.

I love the way that so much has changed for us, but we're still the same at the end of the day.

He's still the cute boy I remember from senior year, and I'm still that girl.

The way that we still go on little dates all of the time makes us feel like we're still boyfriend and girlfriend, and in a sense we are still boyfriend and girlfriend, but we're married too.

One thing that Ethan told me before we got married was that we were never going to stop dating, and that I'd always be his girlfriend even when we're married.

And it's true. That's what it feels like to us.

We're still the same couple in a sense; the only difference is that now we are legally married, almost to the two kids mark, and we're more in love with each other than ever.

Our love grows stronger everyday, and I'm so proud of how far we come.

When you go six years without the love of your life, it's easy to wonder if you'll ever even see them again, or if it'll all work out in the end.

I'm glad I never gave up, and I'm so happy that Ethan and I are stronger than ever.

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