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Ethan's POV
Three Weeks Later

It was a Saturday morning, and I woke up to the smell of pancakes wafting upstairs.

I smiled to myself and threw some shorts and a shirt on before I walked downstairs.

Sure enough, Emma was flipping pancakes, and Tenley was sitting at the table and playing with a couple of her small toys.

I walked over to Emma and hugged her from behind before I kissed her on the cheek.

"Good morning." I said. She smiled at me, and her beautiful blue eyes were shining bright.

Let me mention that Emma was 18 weeks pregnant now, and she was starting to show a little bit.

I ran my hand over her stomach and smiled at her. "Baby T's growing in there."

"She is, isn't she?" Emma said, laughing as she flipped the last pancake.

I kneeled down and kissed her stomach. "Hi, Baby T."

Emma grabber her stomach. "Oooh she's kicking."

I looked over at Tenley who wasn't paying attention.

"Hey, Lee. Come here." I said. Tenley looked up from the table and stood up before walking over to Emma and I.

"The baby kicked mama's tummy. Do you wanna feel it?"

Tenley smiled and put her hand on Emma's stomach. All three of us had a hand over Emma's stomach.

"Talk to her, Ten." Emma said, smiling at Tenley.

"Hi, Baby T. It's your big sister."

Taytum kicked again, and Tenley gasped before she burst into a fit laughter.

"That's funny." She said. I smiled before picking her up.

Tenley put her head on my shoulder as she gave me a hug. "Good morning."

"Good morning. You ready for some good pancakes?" I asked, carrying her back to where she was sitting at the table, and setting her down.


Emma brought the pancakes to the table with some syrup, and we all sat down to eat breakfast.

Luckily, in the past few weeks, Emma's morning sickness has started to subside, and it started to become easier for her to keep the food she eats down.

After breakfast, we started a lazy day as a family, sitting on the couch and watching Disney movies.

Tenley and Emma were both curled up on either side of me, Tenley's head resting in my lap and Emma next to me playing with Tenley's hair.

I had one hand resting on Tenley's shoulder, and my other arm wrapped around Emma's waist with my hand resting on her tiny baby bump. Emma's the cutest pregnant woman I've ever seen.

Anyway, I got up to make some popcorn, and Grayson called me.

"Hey, Gray. What's up?"

"Do you have plans tonight?"

"No. Why?"

"Do you guys mind watching Maeve over night?"

"We'd love to."

"Thanks, bro."

"Anytime, man."

"Okay. We'll bring her around 5."

"Perfect. See you then." I said, hanging up.

I put the popcorn in the microwave before walking back into the living room.

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