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Ethan's POV

Emma and I woke up around 11:30, and we made her famous pancakes for breakfast. She finally showed me the secret ingredient after all these years.

It was vegan condensed milk.

Anyway, we ate breakfast, and then we changed into some clothes for the airport.

We did the dishes and made sure that we had everything we needed packed, and that our wedding clothes were hanging up nicely in their garment bags.

Our carry-ons were already in the car, so we just loaded our suitcases up.

I held Emma's hand in mine while I drove us to the airport. They had a parking garage there, so our car was safe, and then Emma and I went through security and to our terminal.

We had an hour before we were supposed to board, so we FaceTimed my mom so that we could see Tenley.

"Hey, Tennygirl." I said as she came into frame.

"Hi, daddy. Hi, mommy."

"Hi, sweets." Emma said. I loved that she had her own nicknames for our little girl.

"Are you having fun at grandma and grandpa's?" I asked.

Tenley nodded. "Uncle Grayson and Aunt Alex are coming over today."

"Cool. Will you tell them we said hi?" I asked.


"Miss you already, sweets." Emma said.

"I miss you too."

"Hey, Tennygirl, we probably won't be able to talk to you until later tonight when we land in England, okay?" I said.

"I thought you were going to Greece." She said. Emma and I laughed.

"We are, honey, but we have to stop in England to switch planes." I said.

"Ohhhhhh. I get it."

"It'll be 9 o'clock here by the time we land there." Emma said.

"We're gonna miss you, baby, but we'll call your grandma when we get to England, okay?"

"Okay. I'll miss you guys."

"We love you." Emma said, blowing a kiss to the screen. Tenley blew a kiss back to us, and then my mom took the phone and we talked to her about when we'll be in England and can call her again, so that we can check on Tenley.

After she hung up, it was almost time to board the plane, so Emma leaned her head on my shoulder, and I wrapped my arm around her.

Once we boarded, Emma moved the armrest in between our seats, and leaned her head on my chest. I put my arm around her again and leaned my head against hers.

She smiled up at me, and I pecked her lips.

"It's honeymoonin' time." She said.

"It sure is, wifey."

She kissed me on the cheek. "I love it when you say I'm your wife."

"You're my beautiful amazing wife. I'm obsessed with the fact that I get to be your husband forever." I said, pecking her lips again.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said as she leaned her head on my shoulder again.

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