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Emma's POV
Three Months Later

Tenley finished first grade this month. Ethan and I couldn't be more proud of her. She did very well in school this year, and she even earned a couple of awards. And not the kind that they hand out to every kid. She was academically excellent at school, so Ethan and I took her to a nice dinner. Just the three of us.

Taytum stayed at Lisa and Sean's meanwhile.

This was about Tenley, and she deserved a special night with Ethan and I to herself.

Taytum is still growing like a weed. Now she is five months, and she can sit up on her own, she can roll from her back to her tummy, and she's starting to grow her teeth.

Which leads to sleepless nights.

Frozen fruit inside of pacifiers work like a charm by the way. Just a suggestion.

Taytum loves fruit baby food, but she loves broccoli and carrots too.

Thank god she's not picky.

As long as we pretend the spoon is an airplane while we feed her, she'll eat anything.

We had a huge family dinner at Lisa and Sean's house last week, and it was great to see everyone.

Grayson and Alex's daughter Maeve is starting to talk more, and she loves pointing to Taytum and saying 'baby!'.

It's adorable.

Grayson and Alex still aren't engaged, but Ethan is convinced that's it's happening soon.

Either way, they're still a great couple.

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend, and Ethan is taking the two of us out of town to a place on the coast of Lake Michigan.

It's the first time we're gonna be away from the baby for more than a night, but I'm feeling ready for it.

After all, Ethan and I only got to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary with a quick dinner date since I was 8 months pregnant with Taytum.

We decided that this will be our makeshift wedding anniversary celebration.

A year and a half in.

So, Ethan and I dropped the kids off at Lisa and Sean's, and I was watching out the window as we drove away.

I already missed our girls.

Ethan's hand gripped onto my thigh, and he sighed. "They're fine, baby. Relax."

"What if Taytum cries all night?"

"Emma, my mother is the baby whisperer. Taytum will be just fine. We packed everything she needs for the weekend, and we told my mom that she's teething."

"You're right. She's fine, and Lisa will call us if something's wrong."

"There you go. That's my girl. My wonderful wife."

I smiled at him as he drove. He glanced my way and smiled before returning his attention to the road ahead of him, but he squeezed my thigh in acknowledgment.

"Happy year and a half, babe."

He laced his hand with mine, and squeezed it three times, signaling an I love you.

I squeezed his hand back, and he kissed mine before responding.

"Ha ha. You've been stuck with me for a year and a half."

"Best year and a half ever."

"Damn right. Being married to you, having our new baby. Raising our two kids together. Best life ever."

"I love you."

"I love you too, girl. We're gonna have such a fun weekend together."


Two hours later, we were at our rented beach house in Wisconsin for the weekend. We were originally going to go to Lisa and Sean's lake house, but Grayson and Alex called it so they could have a fun beach weekend with Maeve.

Once we set our bags down, we explored the house, and the upstairs had an amazing terrace with a great view of the lake.

Ethan's arms wrapped around me from behind as he kissed my neck. "Man, I get you all to myself for a whole weekend." He said. "Three days and two nights that I don't have to share you with the kids."

"I miss them."

"Emma, they're fine. Stop worrying. We'll call later, okay?" He said, turning me around so that he could peck me on the lips.

"Okay." I whispered.

"Wanna go swimming?" He asked.



Fifteen minutes later, we were both in our swimsuits, and Ethan grabbed my hand before running down the dock and jumping in with me.

The water was the perfect temperature, and once I reached the surface again, Ethan wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

My legs locked around his waist, and my arms around his shoulders as his tongue slipped into my mouth.

This brought back memories from before him and I were even engaged.

Swimming in the lake together on a weekend trip to Lisa and Sean's lake house.

We swam for what must've been a couple hours because by the time we went back to shore, the sun was long gone.

He laced his hand with mine as we walked back inside, and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

It felt like we were seniors in high school again. It felt simple.

Our love has always been just that.

We simply fall in love more and more each day, and raise our kids together. We still have just as much fun together whether or not if we're actually doing something.

We called Lisa to talk to Tenley before we went to bed, and Taytum was already asleep for the night.

As Ethan and I slipped into bed and his arms wrapped around me, he said "See, darling? We have nothing to worry about. The girls are just fine."

I pressed my lips to his bare chest, leaving a soft trail of kisses up his neck until I reached his lips.

"You were right."

"I know." He said against my lips. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too. Is it just me, or do you miss Taytum crying for us?"

"I do miss it, babe."

"I can't wait to get home and hold her on Sunday."

"Me too, honey. Let's get some good nights sleep, okay? We deserve it."

I kissed him before saying "okay. Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, baby."

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