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Emma's POV

Once Taytum was happily asleep, Ethan told me to get some rest too. As much as I wanted to stay awake and admire our youngest daughter, I could barely keep my eyes open.

So, Ethan held the baby while I got some shut-eye.

I had been awake since 10:30 this morning (thank God I had a nap before I delivered), and now it's almost midnight.

Ethan and I thought she was gonna be a Christmas baby, or that she was gonna be born on Ethan's birthday, but she surprised us and was born on December 9th.

12 days early. Our little Tay Bear.

One thing that Ethan probably forgot to mention is that Tenley brought Taytum a tiny stuffed elephant when she came to meet her. It was adorable.

Taytum's first gift. Tenley is the sweetest big sister to her.

Ethan sent the picture of us and the kids to my phone, so I instantly made it my wallpaper on my phone before I got comfortable in the hospital bed and tried to fall asleep.

I glanced at Ethan, who was peering over the plastic bassinet and admiring our newborn.

My lips curled into a soft smile as I admired him from across the room.

He could feel my eyes on him because he glanced at me and smiled before walking over to the bed and sitting on the edge.

"Please don't wake me up if we're dreaming." He said, laying his head onto my chest.

I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his forehead.

"It's real, E. We have a little baby, and the coolest six year old in all of the world."

"Damn right." He responded, pressing his warm lips to my chin.

I tipped my chin down so that our lips met, and he hummed into the kiss.

"We had a baby today." He said against my lips. I softly pecked him back and smiled. "Bring her over here. I want to hold her."

We got up and walked over to Taytum and picked her up before sitting back down on the bed.

I scooted over so that Ethan had room to sit next to me.

He handed the baby to me before wrapping his arm around me, and running his thumb down the bridge of her nose with his other hand.

"My mom sent me a picture of Tenley compared to a picture she took of Taytum today, and they look just alike." He whispered.

"I wanna see." He got his phone out of his back pocket and showed the picture to me.

"Tenley's on the left."

"A mama knows her babies, E."

He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"You're such a good mama to our girls."

I smiled and looked at Taytum.

Her mouth was wide open in her sleep. "Look. She's making the same face you and Tenley both make when you sleep." I told Ethan.

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