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Ethan's POV
The Next Day

Emma told me she had some errands to run plus getting what she's getting me for our wedding.

I had to get my present for her, so I dropped Tenley off at my mom and dad's house, and left to go get everything for Emma.

First, let me mention that I got a star named after her and I. As of our wedding date on Saturday, it will officially be known as the Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Dolan star.

Next, I got her a necklace that has the moon from our wedding date.

I also got a star map made of what the sky will look like on our wedding night, and the star I got named for us is the only star on it that is yellow instead of white.

Knowing Emma's sentimental heart, she's gonna love it.

Once I picked everything up, I put it in the trunk of my car, and I went home.

I decided to take this time to pack everything I need for our honeymoon, and that took about an hour.

After that, I went and picked Tenley up from my parents' house, and then I made us lunch.

Tenley and I hung out and watched tv for a while, and I was texting Emma here and there. I knew she was having fun with her mom.

When Emma got home a few hours later, she curled up next to me and leaned her head on my chest. Tenley was on the other side of me and laying her head in my lap as we watched tv, and I was subconsciously playing with both Tenley and Emma's hair.

Tenley fell asleep, so I carried her upstairs and to bed. Don't worry, we ended up eating dinner, so she wasn't going to sleep on an empty stomach.

Emma said that she ate dinner with her mom before she came home, so when I came back downstairs and she was asleep, I scooped her up and carried her upstairs to our bed.

I kissed her forehead as I laid her down, and then I changed into some shorts and brushed my teeth before climbing into bed with her.

I wrapped my arms around her, and she nuzzled her face into my chest, mumbling an I love you. I kissed her forehead and told her I loved her too.

A few minutes later, Tenley came in and climbed in with us. She buried herself right in the middle.

I was happy to be holding my two girls in my arms as we all fell asleep together as a family.

Emma's POV
The next day

Today is adoption day. Ethan, Tenley and I got up early to get ready, and Grayson, Cam, Alex, Lisa, Sean and my mom all met up with us at the courthouse.

All of the papers were signed, and all of the legal jargon that goes on during an adoption, and low and behold, I was officially Tenley's mother.

They gave us a new birth certificate that stated me as her mom, and lots of family pictures were taken.

We went back to Lisa and Sean's house for a family celebration, and Ethan, Tenley and I were just so happy.

I can't even describe how much I love our little family. Not only has Ethan taught me so much, but Tenley has too.

I'd do anything for these two.

After a few hours at Lisa and Sean's, Ethan and I took Tenley to a nice restaurant downtown, and we had our own little family celebration.

We got vegan ice cream on the way home, and then we watched. Disney movie to end the evening.

Everything was perfect.

We put Tenley to bed once she fell asleep, and Ethan and I watched another movie while cuddling.

After that, we went to sleep, and I was so happy to be in his arms.

The next day

Taylor and Alex came with me to the salons to get prepared for the wedding.

First, I got a Brazilian wax (let me just say- ouch), then I got my hair highlighted.

I looked so good, and I was super happy with it.

I got a mani pedi (I chose white for the color so it would match my dress), and then I got my spray tan.

Luckily it turned out really good, and it was fun to be there with Taylor and Alex.

They were good company.

We had a fun day, and when I got home, Ethan was cooking dinner.

Lisa gave him a haircut today, and it looked so good.

"Hey, Ethan."

"Hey, gorgeous." He said, looking me up and down. I smiled before walking over to him and giving him a peck on the lips.

"I like your hair cut." I said, smiling at him.

"Hair, nails, tan, wowza." He responded, still checking me out.

"This is basically what I looked like the whole time I lived in LA."

"I wish I could've lived there with you."

"We'll go there on vacation sometime, and I'll show you all of my favorite places."

"I would love that."

"Where's Tenley?" I asked.

"In her room. She's playing with her barbies."

"I'm gonna go say hi to her." I said, walking out of the kitchen and towards the living room. From there I went upstairs, and Tenley was playing with her Barbie dream house.

"Hey, Ten."

"Mommy!" She said, running up to me. I scooped her up in a hug.

"How was your day, girl?" I asked.

"Good. I got to play at grandma and grandpas house."

"I know. Cause your daddy got a haircut." I said, putting her back down.

"Is dinner almost ready?"

"I think so. Why don't we go downstairs and check?"

"Okay!" She said, waking out of her room and downstairs.

I followed suit, and sure enough, Ethan was putting the vegan spaghetti onto some plates, and setting the table.

We all sat down and had a nice family dinner.

Tomorrow is the bachelor/bachelorette parties, and then I'm staying at my moms house until the wedding.

It's bad luck for the bride and groom to be staying together on the eve of the wedding.

Once we got Tenley tucked in, Ethan and I got ready for bed, and we made out for a little while before we fell asleep cuddling.

I'll be his wife in three days.

This is so exciting.

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