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Emma's POV
Two Weeks Later

"I can't believe we're three weeks out." I said as I climbed into bed next to Ethan.

He rested his hand on my ever growing baby bump and kissed it before he smiled.

"Technically she could come at anytime now." He said.

"Maybe she'll be a Christmas baby."

"She could be since the due date is the 21st."

"Or she could be born on your birthday." I responded, ruffling his hair.

He smiled at me while gently rubbing my belly with his hand. "She'd be my little birthday present."

I put my hand on top of his. "Time really flies, doesn't it? I feel like I just got pregnant and now she's almost here. And Tenley's already six. She's grown up so much, and I still feel like she's the little four year old who came running up to me and asked 'are you Emma?'. It's crazy that it's already almost two years since I've been back in Chicago."

"Best almost two years of my life. I've got both of my girls with me." He said. "And our new little Tay bear is going to make it even more amazing."

I leaned over and pecked Ethan on the lips.

"She's not even born yet, and I already want more babies."

Ethan chuckled. "We'll have more."

"Thanks for taking such good care of me through this, E."

"You're my girl. I'll always take good care of you."

I smiled at him before putting my hand on his cheek and stroking my thumb across his face.

"Look." He said. "She's moving."

I looked, and sure enough my belly was moving all over the place. This little girl is a night owl.

Ethan and I both laughed as we watched her moving in my belly.

"She moves so much that I think she'll skip the walking stage and go straight to running." I said.

"She's definitely gonna be more of a busybody than Tenley."

I looked at the clock, and turned back to Ethan. "We should go to sleep it's late."

He quickly kissed my lips, and then my belly before he slid his arm around my waist, and rested his hand on my stomach.

I put my hand on top of his, and whispered. "Goodnight, E. I love you."

"I love you too, little mama. Goodnight."

I've never been more in love.

A week Later

Tenley was at school, and Ethan and I were both working from home today.

Since we've been married, we got a fluffy recliner chair for his office, so I would usually just sit in that chair with my laptop, and Ethan would sit as his desk with his computer.

Even though we were both working and it was usually silent so that we could get our work done, it was nice to simply be in each other's company.

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