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Ethan's POV
One Month Later

Tenley turned six. My tiny baby girl who was born two seconds ago is six. I almost cried.

Emma is 35 weeks pregnant now, and it's crazy to think that our new baby girl is possibly going to be born in a few weeks.

Next week is our first wedding anniversary, but since Emma is eight months pregnant now, we decided to wait until after the baby is born to celebrate.

Tenley has still been keeping up with dance, and she still absolutely loves it. She's becoming really talented.

Emma and I have both been able to work from home a little bit, so we've been able to spend a little more time together. It's been really good for us.

Since she's further along now, her baby bump is getting bigger almost by the second (even though Emma is still tiny), and she looks like she's about to pop. It's so cute.

Baby Taytum has been kicking non stop lately (especially in the middle of the night), and last night Emma woke me up at 3 am because the baby was moving a ton in her stomach. We could physically see it.

We came up with the conclusion that the baby was trying to flip herself over, but it's still kind of early for that. I guess this baby is just a mover.

Emma and I bought Tenley a big sister shirt, and me a pink shirt that says 'Girl Dad' on it. I love being a girl dad.

Emma convinced me to shave my 'I'm about to be a new dad again' facial hair last month, but I'm starting to grow it again because we're closer to the birth of the baby.

Emma's too stubborn to admit it, but I know she secretly loves it.

Our entire family is super eager for this new baby, and my parents are super excited to be adding more grandkids to the mix.

Taytum is the magic number three. I know that Tenley loves being the oldest. She's a great older cousin to Maeve, who is already almost one years old (and I somehow still can't believe that Grayson is a dad), and she's probably the most excited besides Emma and I for Taytum to be born.

Emma and I finally told Tenley the baby's name, and we explained to her that it's a secret, and she can't tell the rest of our family.

Tenley loves sharing this little secret with us. She thinks it's the funniest thing in the world.

Whenever one of our family members mentions 'Baby T', Tenley just giggles and looks at Emma and I. She's just so adorable.

I've noticed that Emma is starting to nest, because she's not only organized the baby's whole entire room, but Tenley's too.

She even has our hospital/diaper bag all ready to go, and sitting in the baby's room on the changing table.

One thing that we both for both of the girls' rooms is custom made neon light signs that hang on the wall, and each one says one of the girls' names.

Tenley Grace and Taytum Sienna. Our girls.

All in all, Emma and I are just super excited for this new phase in our life together.

Being a dad is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, but when the love of your life is by your side through it, it's a million times better.

This new baby has already brought us a new sense of intimacy in our marriage because I've seen every side to Emma through it.

Her being happy, hormonal and emotional, throwing up in the toilet at 4 am everyday for weeks on end because she couldn't keep anything down during the first few months of the pregnancy. The only thought I had was that she was more beautiful than ever.

I've gotten to be her protector even more, and we still fall deeper in love every single day.

We've even been on some double dates with Grayson and Alex, and it's been super fun.

Luckily our mom and dad are nice enough to keep all of the kids overnight.

I wonder what'll happen when there's more than two of them.

Grayson and Alex are planning on having another baby. Emma and I teased them an told them to get married. Grayson just smiled and shrugged.

I think he's going to propose to her soon.

In Emma's final stage of pregnancy, which is the next few weeks that we're currently in, she has the most beautiful glow.

I'm almost going to miss her being pregnant because she's just so cute with her baby belly.

Emma will be pregnant again in less than a year since our plan was to wait until Taytum is nine months old, and there's only a month left until she's born.

We had a doctors appointment a few weeks ago, and we got to see a 3D sonogram of the baby. Tenley came with us, and she thought it was the coolest thing ever.

From what I could tell, Taytum looks like another little Tenley. Her face molding is about the same.

I wonder if Taytum will have lighter hair because of Emma, or if she'll have Emma's blue eyes. It's possible because if my hazel eyes carry a recessive gene, we could make a blue eyed baby.

Also, Grayson's daughter Maeve ended up with Alex's blonde hair, so there are stronger genes than Dolan in the world.

Other than Maeve's blonde hair, she looks mostly like a Dolan kid.

Emma and I have talked about things like that, and it's made us both wonder if this new baby will have lighter hair, and light eyes, or if she'll have the same curly hair and dark brown eyes as Tenley.

We're both so excited to find out.

I can't wait to hold our new baby girl, and I also can't wait to see Emma hold her.

I can't wait for Tenley to meet her for the first time, and I can't wait to get a picture of the two of them for the first time.

I can't wait to take pictures of our two girls with Emma for the first time, and all of us as a family of four for the first time.

I think I might be turning into Emma because ever since she came back I've been the most sentimental man I've ever been in my entire life.

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