The Beginning

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

Here I am... after years of frustration, endless nights crying myself to sleep, having to see him bring his new boyfriend home, and don't even mention the amount of times my pubescent ass got boners from the subtlest things he'd do. Here I am, about to confess my love for the only man I've ever had eyes for, at an airport. Before he goes away for god knows how long, before he leaves to start a new chapter in his life. A chapter without me, a chapter without ever knowing my true feelings for him. A chapter in which I'll never know what would've happened if I just got the fuck over myself and said something.

But, before we get into all of that, let's start from the beginning. Let me walk you down memory lane to one horrifying, yet enlightening period of my life, commonly known as eighth grade.


The door opened to Mrs. Min, bright and cheery as always. "Ah hi Taehyungie! Come in, come in," she said happily, stepping away from the door so I could walk inside.

The Mins were like my second family. Jimin and I have been inseparable since second grade when some kid stole my juice box. I, being the crybaby I was at the time, wailed in utter despair. Before I could even tattle, there Jimin was, to save the day, whacking the kid across the head with a lunch tray. It was an odd way to become best friends, but it worked for us. The next day, both of our parents had been called into school over the incident, and eventually grew on each other as well. Over the years, Mrs. Min even got a second bed to put in Jimin's room whenever I would stay over. So, that's just a fraction of the background on how close we are.

"Hi, Mrs. Min!" I said politely as I took my shoes off. "Jimin is in his room right now sweetie. He hasn't come out all day and won't talk to me about it," she said, concern heavy in her voice. I nodded at her words, eyebrows furrowing as I wondered what could be wrong with him. "Could you try to cheer him up, dear? If you can get him to come out for dinner at least, I'd really appreciate it. He hasn't eaten all day. I'm making your guys' favorite!" her tone rose at the end. "Dumplings?" I asked, smile washing over my face. "What else?" she said, and headed back into the kitchen. "Now run along. Food will be done in half an hour," she said before turning back to the stove to cater to what was cooking. I nodded, put my bag down, and ran up the stairs.

I knocked on Jimin's door lightly. "Jimin? It's Tae." The door opened instantly. He pulled me inside quickly, peeking his head out the door, looking both ways before shutting it abruptly. I looked at him, extremely confused, and went to sit on 'my' bed. "What's all that abo-" "SHHHHHHH!" he shushed me aggressively and started to pace around his room. "You don't know who's listening, Tae." I looked at him like he'd gone insane. Maybe he had. "What are you talking about..?" I asked, in a quieter tone. "It's Yoongi hyung." My eyes widened at that. "Hyung? Did something happen to him?" "I wish!" Jimin exclaimed. "Maybe then I wouldn't have had to been tainted with this god awful knowledge!" he exclaimed frustratedly as he flopped down onto his bed. I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Well, are you going to tell me, or are you going to keep rambling and leave me in the dark about it?" I asked.

Jimin sat up and brought out a computer from under his pillow. "You know how we have that paper due tomorrow for Mrs. Kim?" I nodded in response. "Well, my laptop crashed the other day so I asked if I could borrow Hyung's, and that gross bastard forgot to delete his search history," Jimin said, absolute disgust dripping from his voice. I burst out into laughter as he shouted at me about how it's "not a laughing matter." "Jimin! You can't judge him! We've literally watched porn together. What's the big deal?" He instantly flustered and threw his pillow at me. "First of all, we promised to never speak of that again. And second of all, it's not just porn..." he said, trailing off and looking away. I gave him a confused glare. "Then.. what is it?" I asked. Instead of answering, he opened up the laptop and handed it to me.

There was a website with all kinds of men on it. Videos with titles like, 'Twink gets taught a lesson after disobeying' and 'Daddy punishes baby boy for not following orders' were all over the screen. Those were probably the most innocent ones. I looked at the screen in confusion. "This... this is all guys," I said, eyes wide as I finally looked back up at Jimin. "No shit, Sherlock. I had no clue," he said sarcastically, crossing his arms. "Hyung is... gay?" I asked, titling my head. It's not something I can't see, but it's definitely something I wasn't expecting. "Well, he's definitely not straight," Jimin answered, stating the obvious. "That's the problem here..? I mean it's.. yeah, it's kinda shocking, but it's nothing to lock you up in your room all day," I responded, very puzzled by it. Jimin was never homophobic. He was actually loved by the handful of LGBTQ+ people at our school. He was friends with quite a few. It was just his charming nature; it usually attracted more intellectual people.

"No! I don't care if my brother likes butt sex or not! But did you see those videos, the shit he's into? I looked it up Tae. He's a massagist. That sick bastard gets off on being hurt," he stated. "That is pretty.. weird. But maybe it's like, normal for high schoolers. Ya know? Isn't that all they do?" I asked, laying back on the bed and looking up at the ceiling. "Just like.. make out, have sex and get drunk?" I continued as Jimin laid back onto his bed as well. "I mean.. maybe, but.. my brother? It's just weird, man. I know he's a sophomore and he's probably getting into all kinds of things, but I really never saw that coming," he said as he rubbed his face in distress. "It's not only the fact of how weird it is, but it also makes me question how much I know him."

Just as he finished, the door opened and Yoongi popped into the room. "Hey Jimin, can I have my laptop back yet?" he asked, then glanced over at me. "Oh, hi Taehyungie!" he said with a smile. Before I could even get a greeting out- "Don't you speak to him you dirty massagist!" Jimin shouted over me. He looked at Jimin in pure confusion for a few seconds, then the realization hit as he let out a chuckle. "Ohhhh, so that's why you've been locked up in here all day." he said, propping his arm up to lean against the door frame. "First of all, Minnie, it's called a masochist. And second of all, if you're going to go through my shit, at least get it right. I'm a sadist." The way they talked was really similar. Maybe it's genetics. "I don't care! Just leave me and Tae alone!" he shouted back. Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked further into the room. "I'd be more than happy to if I could have my laptop back." Jimin instantly handed it over to him. "I can't even believe I touched that thing. I'm going to need to bleach my hands now... and my eyes," he said dramatized, wiping his hands on his pants. Yoongi laughed and made his way back to the door. "Tell mom about this and I'll tell her about you and Tae watching porn in the treehouse last summer," he threatened, shutting the door right before Jimin threw his remaining pillow at him. I only blinked at Jimin, still shocked by the whole situation. "I cannot believe such vile things are going on under the same roof as me," Jimin said with a sigh.

I rolled my eyes and got off the bed "Hey.. just because he likes it doesn't mean you have to. I'm sure he's not hiding other things from you, but if I were into that, I wouldn't be telling my family," I tried to reason with him, gaining a little half smile and a nod. "I guess you're right.." he said and looked up at me. "Now let's go eat dinner okay? It's dumplings!" I exclaimed. "Dumplings?" he asked, face lighting up. "Dumplings." I repeated before we raced to the kitchen.


When I got home, I couldn't help my mind from wondering about the whole situation still. I'd never had someone so close to me be homosexual before. Yes, there were people like that everywhere, but me and Yoongi hyung actually had a pretty close bond. Again, the Mins were like my second family. I was always invited to their family bowling nights, special events going on, and to every milestone in Jimin and Yoongi's lives. I was at Yoongi's first piano recital, his middle school graduation, and even went with the family to look for a highschool for him to go to. Whenever Jimin was busy at dance class or stayed after school, I'd come over and hang with Yoongi. I wouldn't say we were nearly as close as me and Jimin were, but no one will ever be that close with me. I didn't think any less of Yoongi. It was just something pretty new.

Of course, having learned this whole new part of him, I wanted to be educated on it. I went up to my room, locked the door, and got started on my 'research'. The first thing I typed into the search bar: 'How does but sex work between two guys.'

Author's Note
Hi guys!! I hope you enjoy this fic so far! I've been wanting to write for a while now and I intend on making this a long one so hopefully you're in for the ride! If you have any comments about it suggestions on what I should do, please comment or message me! I'd love to hear from you🥰

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