Homecoming (Part 3)

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

Seokjin made both of us some ramen, easy to make, yet delicious nonetheless.We thanked him and dug in. "Also, here are some clothes you can change into. Taehyung, these will probably fit you," he said, pointing to one of the folded sets of pajamas. I nodded, mouth too full of noodles to give a proper response. "You're pretty big for your age, Tae. I mean, muscular wise. Must be pretty popular with the ladies. Or guys! No judgement," Seokjin quickly corrected himself with a small chuckle.

"Ah not really.." I responded after swallowing my ramen. I heard a scoff to the left of me, soon recognized as Yoongi's. "Please. You basically have every other girl or guy falling for you. Just the other day in the locker room I heard some guys talking about how they're straight, but they'd let you bend them over any day," he said, rolling his eyes. "Like you'd be bending anyone over in the first place," he mumbled under his breath. I couldn't help but blush and shift a bit in my seat. I know it was supposed to be an insult but it was kind of more embarrassing that Yoongi just knew. Don't get me wrong though, it was embarrassing in a hot way.

"Is that so, Tae? And you don't have your eye out for anyone?" Seokjin questioned, snapping me back to reality. "No... to be honest, no one else at school really knows me. And I'd much rather have someone be drawn to me for my personality rather than my looks," I explained, resting my chin on my hand. "Hm.. pretty mature for a young man like yourself, Tae. I'm impressed," Seokjin said. There it was again. Young. Pretty mature for a young man.

Before I could start overthinking again, there was a loud thud coming from upstairs, followed by a giggling Jimin and sounds of a struggling Jungkook. Seokjin sighed and pushed two more bowls of ramen toward us. "Alright guys, you should head up and check on them. Please give these to Jimin and Jungkook. Jimin needs to get some food in his system and Jungkook never skips a meal," Seokjin said, laughing at the end. "There's a guest room for you two at the end of the hall and a bathroom in there for you to get changed," he said, taking our empty dishes from us. We grabbed the clothes and the food, heading upstairs after thanking him.

Yoongi opened the door to Jungkook on the floor, struggling to get a half naked, passed out Jimin off of him. He then looked up at us in desperation and let out a deep sigh. "I swear I was just trying to get him changed," he said, still making a desperate attempt to get the boy off him. Yoongi and I walked in and set down the ramen, then pried Jimin, in only his boxers, off of Jungkook. He startled a bit, waking up, and looked at us both, speaking pure gibberish at that point. We all just laughed.

We helped Jungkook dress and feed Jimin, though the feeding wasn't too hard because apparently he was just as hungry as we were. Yoongi and I then went to our room and got changed. I didn't say anything to him in the process, still kind of upset. I crawled into bed, him getting in after me and laying on his side so he was looking at me. I turned to my side, back facing him and turned off the lamp that was on the nightstand near me. I heard him sigh and shuffle closer to me. He reached over me, chest pressing up against my back and turned on the light. Then he scooted back a bit, still close.

"Tae," he said calmly, waiting for a response. "Hm?" I answered back. "Tell me what's actually going on with you. I know you're not okay," he said in a concerned tone. I could tell that his eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were pulled into a small pout without even looking at him. "Do you think I'm immature?" I asked, finally. "What-?!" he questioned, sounding shocked at what I had asked. I turned around to face him. "Do you think I'm a kid, hyung? Do you only hang out with me because you feel like it's your responsibility to take care of me?" I couldn't even stop what was coming out of my mouth. It's as if my thoughts decided to turn themselves into words without my consent.

"Taehyung... no. I've never thought of you that way. I've always thought you were very mature and understanding. I relate to you more than I do my own best friend. I enjoy being around you and I do it because I want to. Not because I feel responsible for you," he explained, expression soft and gentle. God, I'd be telling the fattest lie if I said my heart didn't do a million flips at once. Suddenly, his hand was on my cheek, wiping away tears that I didn't even know were falling. "I'm sorry.." I said brokenly. How could I ever be stupid enough to think Yoongi hyung would ever see me that way? He pulled me into his arms and rubbed my back gently as I let out quiet sobs, buried into his chest. I didn't know exactly why I was crying, but I knew I couldn't stop. I think it was a mix of being tired and overwhelmed with emotion in that moment.

"Shhh, Taehyungie, it's okay. Hyung's right here. I got you," he whispered softly. His voice was soothing, letting me know that everything's okay. That I'm okay. And nothing bad is going to happen because I'm safe and I'm with him. Eventually I calmed down, only letting out a small sniffle here and there.

"What even made you think that, Taehyungie? Did someone say something to you?" he asked, looking down at me. I shook my head and clenched onto his shirt tightly. "No I just... I heard how you were talking to Seokjin hyung... telling him how young Jimin was. And then Seokjin calling me a young man... I guess it just got to me. Made me think I wasn't mature enough for you..." I mumbled the last part a bit. Yoongi cooed and pulled my closer to him. "Tae, that's not what I meant by that at all. Jimin and you are fifteen. If my parents had their fifteen year old son come home drunk after spending most of the night with a boy they just met today.... well can you see how that wouldn't look good?" he asked, running a hand through my hair. I nodded in realization and nuzzled into his chest, feeling my eyelids get heavy.

"It had nothing to do with you, Taehyungie," he reassured me. "So you wouldn't rather be friends with Seokjin hyung than me?" I asked, finally looking up at him. He let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "No, silly," he said. I smiled at that and laid back on his chest. "Now let's get some sleep," he said, reaching over to turn the light off and wrapping his arm back around me. "Goodnight hyung," I said, feeling myself drift off to sleep. "Goodnight Taehyungie."


Author's Note
Hope you guys enjoyed this while it lasted! It'll be a bit before we get more Taegi again but i was never a fan of any kind of angst so trust me you won't have to wait long;) And thank you for almost 400 reads! I'm glad you guys are enjoying it! Don't forget to leave any of your thoughts or opinions! I love hearing from you all! Stay safe and healthy, I hope my writing gives you something to do in quarantine gjfhdjdn

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