One Very Cold Shower

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Taehyung's P.O.V.

After causing a bit of commotion at the airport and the lady handing Yoongi's luggage back to him silently with some tears in her eyes, Yoongi and I decided to eat together. We sat down after ordering our food to talk everything over.

"So um.. Hyung, what did you mean when you said finally?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink. "Well, to be honest, I've had a crush on you for a while Taehyungie," he said, casually taking a bite of his sandwich. My eyes widened tremendously as I practically choked on my sprite. "You- you what?" I asked for confirmation. "I've liked you for a while. I really thought you felt the same these past couple years, but I wasn't sure if they were actual feelings or just the fact that I was someone who liked the same things as you, someone you could see as a role model. I didn't want to admit to my feelings 'cause I was afraid it would make you feel obligated to like me without forming your own opinion about me because I knew how much you looked up to me. I waited awhile, thinking you'd come around eventually, but you didn't... so when Hoseok asked me out, I didn't turn down the offer."

I stared at him blankly, in disbelief at his words. After all this time... all I had to do was say something and we would've become a thing. "But, what matters is now. We're both more mature, and at least one of us has had relationship experience. Maybe it was meant to be this way..." he said with a soft smile, putting his hand gently over mine. I smiled back at him before a thought brought my mood down. Hoseok. Right... how would he react to that?

I pulled back my hand a sighed a bit. "Well, Hyung, before we get into anything.. I want to just be honest with you. I don't want there to be any secrets between us. Those would cause problems later on, so I think I should admit this to you now." I hesitated slightly. He gave me his full attention and I continued. "About Hoseok.. the day he broke up with you, he came to me to talk. I really didn't want to talk to him, but he said it was in your best interest, so I stayed. He told me that he didn't feel much of a connection between you and him, but he sees a real connection between me and you. He said that if I liked you, he'd break up with you because he thought you'd be happier, and eventually so would he. Hyung, I never wanted him to break up with you- I-I wanted you happy but it was just-" "Taehyung, calm down. I know you'd never do anything to sabotage my relationship, no matter how strong your feelings were. It must've been a hard position to be put in, but I'm glad it turned out the way it did," he reassured.

"Now, let's clean up and go home. You can stay over tonight. I'm sure my parents are sleeping now, but I'll explain everything to them in the morning. Speaking of parents though.. are you out yet, Taehyungie?" he questioned, paying for the food and leading us to my car. I shook my head and looked down at my shoes. "I'm not. It's not that I think they'd have a problem with it, considering both of my best friends are lgbt. It's just.. something that's kind of nerve-wracking. I'm their only son, too, so I just don't know how they'd react," I explained amid getting in the car.

He put his hand on my thigh and turned my way. Dear god, my cheeks have never burned up so fast. "Well, I think you should, Tae. Even if they don't accept it, it's better to give them time to get used to it now, rather than in the future," he said. "You're right. There's just.. a lot to think about. How should do it? What should I say? It seems simple, but it's a bit harder for me," I said, focused on driving. "I understand, but I think you're overthinking it a little," he said softly. "I overthink everything 'a little'," I countered, making quotation marks with one hand. He chuckled and leaned back into his seat.

"Listen. I'd be more than happy to be there if it'd encourage you. I know it's not an easy thing no matter the circumstance, and I don't want you to feel like I'm pushing you. I only want you to tell them when you're ready, but with what's going on and possibly escalating between you and me now, I think we can both agree that it'd be better to tell them than to be caught." He kept his eyes on me. I agreed, and he started giving me some tips on coming out to family.

Once we were back at his house, I waited in his room while he took a shower, fully taking in all of the events that occurred that night. I'm really Min Yoongi's now. I sighed happily, a dumb, wide smile plastered on my face as I stretched myself out on his bed. Wait- was I his..? We hadn't gone over that..

He walked into his room, towel around his waist, droplets of water dripping from his hair and glistening in the subtle moonlight that was peeking in through the blinds as my eyes traveled down his body. I looked away immediately, blushing deeply. For some reason, now that we were a 'thing', this kind of stuff affected me much more than before. Annnnnd it's up. No surprise there.

I crossed my legs and rested my hands in my lap, attempting to hide my growing erection while trying to not make it too obvious. He was grabbing some clothes to change into from his drawer when I finally built up the courage to ask. "So um.. Hyung.." I trailed off, still keeping my eyes glued to the ground. "Hm?" "Are we like... a thing now..?" I asked, voice higher at the end than I expected it to be. I fiddled with my hands anxiously while waiting for an answer. It's funny how just a few seconds can feel like forever. He chuckled a bit and I heard him drop the towel, probably getting into boxers or something. "Taehyungie, I would love for you to be my boyfriend, if that's what you're asking," he said softly as I felt him getting closer.

I smiled wide and kept my gaze focused on the floor. "I'd really like that Hyung," I said, heart warming at the thought. "Well then, I'd appreciate if my boyfriend would look me in the eyes," he said, voice seeming slightly deeper. Before I could even register what he said, there was a hand under my chin, tilting my head upwards so my gaze met his. He was wearing a white t-shirt with grey sweatpants. I blinked up at him like a dear in headlights. My thoughts were screaming at me to do something, but what can you even do in this kind of situation?

I looked into his eyes, scanning his face, waiting for him to do something. "Good boy" he said with a smile, running his hand through my hair. Before I knew it, a whine escaped my lips and my eyes were starting to water. What the fUCK DID HE DO TO ME?

His hands moved to my thighs to uncross my legs, sliding his knee in between them. "Is there something you want, Taehyungie?" he asked, grinding his knee up against my erection. I snapped out of the trance I was in, and a million thoughts rushed to my head at once. There was no way in hell I was prepared for this right now- "Hyung- I can't- I'm not-" He laughed, stopping my words, hopping over me onto his bed and pulling me against his chest. "Oh Taehyungie, I would never try to make a real move on you unless I gave you the heads up to physically and mentally prepare yourself, but that's my heads up," he said, nuzzling against my back.

I laid there for a second, at a loss for words. "Then what- why did you-" I couldn't even get the words out because I was so confused. He littered small, gentle kisses on the nape of my neck. Well, that was enough for me to forget about what just happened. "I just like teasing you. It's fun to get you worked up," he slyly explained, wrapping his arm tight around my waist. I huffed and pouted a bit, dick still painfully hard against my boxers. "'s no fair," I whined, burying my face into a pillow to hide my embarrassment.

"Oh? Does my Taehyungie want me to play with him?" he questioned mischievously, trailing his hand down to the waistband of my sweats. I whined and slapped his hand away. "No. I'm tired and not in the mood to get edged all night," I said, lifting up the
covers and getting up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to take a very cold shower."

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