Coming Out

634 30 9

!!WARNING!! There will be smut and graphic NSFW in this chapter. Just a heads up! Enjoy!

Third Person P.O.V.

Yoongi took Taehyung's member into his hand, stroking it slowly. He leaned down to give the tip kitten licks, causing the younger to suck in a breath. Yoongi was really gonna claim all of Tae's firsts in a matter of 24 hours, huh?

When Yoongi took the head of Tae's cock into his mouth, the silver haired boy let his head fall back in pleasure, tangling his hand into the older's hair. A moan escaped from Taehyung's lips, his muscles flexing in efforts to hold himself back from bucking his hips deep into Yoongi's throat.

Yoongi's tongue swirled around the tip before he took in more, bobbing his head lightly and stroking the remaining bit that wasn't in his mouth. He looked up at Taehyung to find that the boy's eyes were tightly shut. Yoongi pinched Tae's thigh, earning a surprised yelp from him as he looked down at his hyung. Yoongi pulled off, a trail of spit connecting his lips to Taehyung's cock. "You should at least have the decency to watch when I'm on my knees for you."

His eyes widened immediately. "S-sorry! Didn mean it."

"Tsk. The disrespect," Yoongi sighed, licking Taehyung's cock slowly from the base to the tip, feeling his hands tighten their grip in his hair again. "You don't have to hold back, baby. I can take it."

"Are you su- holy shit-!"

Yoongi had taken Taehyung all the way down his throat, nose pressed up against Tae's pelvis. Taehyung let out a strangled moan, gasping at the way his cock was completely engulfed in Yoongi's throat. When he realized Yoongi wasn't moving he experimentally pulled out to the tip of his cock and thrusted back into his Hyung's throat, not only drawing a pleasured moan from himself, but from Yoongi as well. The sound vibrated around his member and he noticed that Yoongi was jerking himself off. Yoongi was getting off on this too. The thought ran wild in Tae's mind, only edging him on more.

He held Yoongi's head in place, fucking up into his mouth, chasing his own orgasm. His hips started to stutter, thrusting a few more times before- "I-I'm gonna cum! Fuck!" he barely warned before thrusting deep into Yoongi's throat and releasing himself with a loud moan. Taehyung panted, spent cock twitching a few times in Yoongi's throat before he pulled out. Yoongi coughed a bit, catching his breath properly. "I'm sorry- I should've asked," Taehyung said, worried, leaning down to make sure his hyung was okay.

Yoongi flashed him a little smile. "You're fine, Tae. I wouldn't have told you I could take it if I couldn't. It's normal to get a little excited your first time, especially considering your first time was with me." He let out chuckle, licking his lips with a cocky little smile.

"Yeah, whatever." Taehyung flushed, looking away from him. Yoongi stood up, washing his own cum off of his hand in the water. "You came just from that?" Tae asked, confused.

"I have a thing for giving oral. Probably has to do with how I can make my partner weak with only my mouth."

Tae nodded, blushing a bit more. "We should really get cleaned up by now, hyung. Your parents are gonna be home any minute." Yoongi agreed and they washed up together.


The couple walked downstairs, hair damp and dressed in comfy clothes. They didn't expect to walk into Yoongi's parents already sitting at the table talking to Jimin. "Well look who it is!" Mrs. Min exclaimed, standing up to greet the boys. She gave Yoongi and Taehyung big hugs.

Taehyung just prays to god that Yoongi's parents got home after they finished, or the water was loud enough to mask the sounds of their actions. "Welcome back!" he exclaimed to the married pair.

Mrs. Min cupped Taehyung's face in her hands, giving the boy an endearing look as her eyes started to get watery, pulling the boy in for yet another hug. This one seemed somewhat different from the last, though. The mother squeezed Taehyung a bit tighter, "Welcome to the family, Tae," her voice cracked a little. "..As if you weren't in it already," she giggled. "Thank you for keeping our son home."

"Mom! You said you supported me going away.." Yoongi chimed in, staring at his mother in confusion.

Mrs. Min pulled away from Tae, wiping her eyes. "I wasn't going to keep you from doing what you said you wanted, honey. But, any sane mother would be worried sick about her baby going off to college, let alone halfway across the world to a different country!" she exclaimed.

"We would've been happy for you either way, Yoongi, but it's a relief for the both of us," his father explained, giving him a pat on the shoulder. "Alright, well let's go unpack. We're going out for dinner tonight, so whatever you boys' plans are, be back and ready before six. Your parents are coming too, Tae," Mr.
Min explained before heading for the stairs with his wife.

Taehyung's face paled at that. He hadn't told his parents about him and Yoongi yet. He was honestly surprised Mrs. Min hadn't accidentally out him to his mom yet while catching up one day. He knew they'd accept and knew there wouldn't necessarily be a problem, but the thought of coming to terms with actually telling them, the possibility of things changing negatively, sat with him awfully and he didn't know how to go about it. His parents were accepting, but they weren't open. Everything Taehyung had learned about sex had been through a computer. When Taehyung became quarterback on the varsity team freshman year, his dad came into his room, left a box of condoms on the nightstand, and patted his back before leaving; that was about it. His dad wasn't conservative, but he wasn't good at communicating about that type of thing. His mom, on the other hand, was raised Catholic, and though she never pushed her religion onto the family nor was close-minded, he had no clue how she'd feel if she knew that him practically living at the Mins' half the time could've meant he'd been getting dicked down by Yoongi every night.


Author's Note
Hi everyone! I know it's been FOREVER i've just been swamped with life lately. Thank you for almost 4k though and continuing to support me!!!! You have no clue how much it means! Love you all and hope school this year is going good!

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