No More Sleepovers

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Dinner -was- going just fine, until Mrs. Min mentioned the new couple. Taehyung could've asked her to keep it a secret, but in all honesty, his parents had to figure out somehow, and he couldn't muster up the courage to tell them himself. They didn't appear to feel anything besides surprise, but Taehyung's mother did make him stay home for the night to talk instead of staying over at the Mins' like he had planned. His father barely commented on the subject at all, which... definitely scared Taehyung. Yoongi was more than concerned about that, but realistically there wasn't much he could do about it for the time being. He tried to make a good impression on the Kims, as their son's boyfriend, but he didn't want to overwhelm them in the process.

"Was there a reason you didn't tell us, Taehyung..?" was the first thing his mother asked when they got in the car.

"Well, I didn't really think I needed to come out to you guys until I had a boyfriend... and, well, now I do, so.."

"To be honest, I thought it was Jimin," his dad finally chimed in with a chuckle. "You really surprised me there with his brother. I mean, wow, Tae."

Taehyung was shocked by his father's first comment on the situation. He didn't know if to laugh or explain himself more. "Jimin's great... but not my type," he blurted out, trying to make the conversation more natural. He hated that it was as if his sexuality was suddenly something out of the norm that you had to prod and poke around carefully; it's the same love and feelings as anyone else.

"I think we should put a cap on all the sleepovers." And, there it was, the words Taehyung dreaded most leaving his mother's lips.

"What?! Why?" His eyes were wide, mind racing with ways to backtrack.

"Oh, calm down Tae. I'm not saying you can't see your boyfriend. It's just... I'm also not going to be promoting sex."

"Who said anything about sex?"

"I don't really see why it matters that much; it's not like he's going to get anyone pregnant," his father chimed in once again, earning a scornful look from his mother.

"Well the way I see it is, a girl most certainly wouldn't be spending the night with you all the time at this age, so why would we let a guy?"

"Uhhh, because I've been practically living with the Mins since I learned my ABC's and this is a different situation? Plus, I'm sixteen, Mom. It's not like it's out of the ordinary for me to be experimenting. We've done everything and been safe about it, so there's nothing you'd be preventing," Taehyung attempted to reason.

Taehyung's mother sighed and glanced at her son through the rear-view mirror. "I'll have to think about it more. But, as for tonight, you're definitely staying home. Deal?"

Taehyung's heart fell into his stomach at that. He really hadn't -had- to spend any amount of time without Yoongi in forever. He had no clue how he was going to cope with it so suddenly. "Deal."


Taehyung was in bed, snuggled up in one of Yoongi's hoodies. His phone was playing the playlist that Yoongi made him as an attempt to help him sleep. He'd always hated sleeping alone; that's why he and Jimin hung out so often. But, Yoongi had a way of making him feel completely secure, and the worst part of it all was that he didn't realize how much he needed it until it was taken away.

i miss you

I miss you too baby. How'd it go with your mom and dad?

okay ig. my mom is currently debating whether or not she's going to let me continue staying over so🙃

You mean like
Sleeping over here?




Taehyung didn't really know what to say to Yoongi's response. He was always on the drier side when it came to texting. Taehyung would've been lying if he said he hadn't expected more of an answer from the other than "ok". He'd thought Yoongi would've been somewhat upset about it like he himself was. He probably was, but wouldn't express it over the phone. He decided to try falling asleep so he wouldn't have to think about it.

Taehyung's tossing and turning was interrupted by a small noise. He heard it once and chose to ignore it, given it was probably one of his parents. When it repeated itself not once, but three times, though, the boy shot out of bed to discover the origin of the sound. The fourth time the little panging of rock hitting glass echoed through the room, he realized it was coming from the window.

And of course, standing in the rain, drenched and cold, was his boyfriend holding a handful of pebbles. Taehyung's heart clenched at the sight before him. He scrambled to open the window when his phone rang.

Yoongi? Why is he calling me? He's right there.. "Hello?"

"Hey. I just don't want you yelling down to me and waking your parents up."

"How did you know I would-"

"I'll be up there in a sec. Just leave the window open for me."

"O-okay..." Taehyung replied, hanging up the phone and opening the window fully. Barely any time passed before Yoongi was in Taehyung's room, instantly being tackled by the other.

"Babe- I'm all wet and gross," the older said with a chuckle, wrapping his arms around the other regardless.

Taehyung buried his face into Yoongi's neck and let out a little sniffle. "Don' care."

Yoongi ran his hand through Taehyung's hair gently. "I didn't think I could spend a night without you yet."

"I couldn't either. I-I didn't think it affected you that much.." he trailed off, pouting up at the other.

"Baby, what makes you think that?" he asked, caressing the side of Tae's face.

"Well, your actions speak a hundred times louder than your words, especially your words over text," he rolled his eyes.

Yoongi huffed and pulled the boy back into his arms. "You know I'm not a good texter. I'd much rather say what I need to in person."

"I know, I know. It doesn't matter anymore, anyway."

"Good. Now I'm cold as fuck, so I'm gonna start a bath and you can meet me in there if you're feeling up to it," he said with a smirk, heading to the bathroom with Taehyung trailing not far behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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