Looks Like We Weren't The Only Ones

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The next morning didn't start off very nicely. Namjoon and I woke up and got dressed, creeping downstairs. I was still in his sweatshirt because I was cold as fuck considering someone practically hogged all the covers last night. Plus, he didn't mind if I was wearing it or not. We crept down the stairs, not wanting to wake anyone up or cause suspicion. Everyone had left during the night, but of course we walked down to see Jimin and Jungkook, touchy as ever, having breakfast together. More specifically, feeding parts of the meal to each other between little kisses and giggles. I guess they really did have sex.

They were almost too entranced in each other to even notice me and Joon. That was, until the last stair just had to creak as we finally got to the bottom. Jimin snapped his head to the two of us, and I wish it was an exaggeration to say that his jaw quite literally dropped. Jungkook blinked his doe eyes in shock and didn't say a word.

It wasn't the best look, to say the least, both of us with disheveled hair, rushed on clothes, probably some hickies... I couldn't remember completely. And of course, myself in Namjoon's sweatshirt. Yeah, there was no getting out of this one.

There was nothing but silence as Jimin stared at us, Namjoon shyly scratching the back of his neck and looking away. "Well.. looks like we weren't the only ones in this house getting laid last night," Jungkook said, plopping a piece of cantaloupe into Jimin's open mouth and shutting his jaw.

I really didn't feel like explaining myself in the moment. I mean, how the fuck do you explain that? 'Oh no Jimin, we didn't fuck. Ya know, we were about to, but I moaned your brother's name instead.' Fuck no. I took Jimin's mouth being full as my chance to hurry out of there quickly, dragging Namjoon behind me. "T-thanks for the party, Jungkook! It was great," I exclaimed hurriedly, rushing out the door and slamming it behind me.

"Well, that's one way to make an exit," Namjoon said with a chuckle. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Did you drive here? Would you be able to give me a ride back?" I asked, hopeful that he'd be able to. "Don't you have a car, Kim?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, but I ubered here.. I was supposed to stay over last night and Jimin was going give me a ride today, but I really don't feel like having that conversation in the car right now," I stressed, really hoping for him to agree. I couldn't be in a car with Jimin right now. He nodded, understanding, and walked me down to where his car was. "Just wanted to make sure you weren't catching feelings or anything. Last night wasn't my best moment, and I apologize for that, but I'm not taking what's Yoongi's," Namjoon said, getting into the car with me. I sat there in bewilderment for a minute.

"Excuse me? I'm not fucking Yoongi's, first of all. And second-" "Are you sure about that, Kim? As much as you may not like to admit it, your heart belongs to him even if he doesn't know it yet. I know right now he's with Hoseok, but we don't know how long that'll last. Now, live your life freely and don't cut yourself off from dating anyone or experimenting... but don't run away from the feelings you have for him. You'll only tear yourself apart in the end," he explained, cutting off my words.

I looked down at my shoes, kind of ashamed in a way. He was right. Namjoon sighed as he reached over to pat me on the shoulder. "I have to go to Yoongi's place to pick up some things. You wanna come in? He really misses you lately, Tae. I don't think he realizes you're avoiding him because he's been so busy with finals, but during the rare times when he's not studying, he told me you're just busy," Namjoon explained. "Won't it look a little suspicious?" I asked, given the fact that Namjoon and I were together after a party, still kind of looking like crap... then again we could've been with anyone else and just so happen to be hanging out now. "I don't think so. Yoongi doesn't know that either of us went to the party, and I don't think he'd expect you of all people to go. Even if he did, though, it'd be pretty far-fetched to think that we were together last night just because we're together now," he reasoned. That made sense. I agreed, and we were soon on our way there.

Yoongi opened the door, took one look at me, then at Namjoon, and punched him square in the face. So hard, a guy as big as Namjoon lost his footing. So much for him not knowing. "H-HYUNG!" I shouted at him, not believing he was actually doing this. He completely ignored me and grabbed Namjoon'a collar, pulling him down to his height. "How fucking dare you take advantage of him like that? Are you for real right now Joon?" he questioned, anger pumping through every blood vessel in his body. Oh. Yeah that's not gonna happen.

I sighed and quickly tore off Namjoon's sweatshirt, my shirt from last night underneath. I pried Yoongi off of him and threw him over my shoulder with ease, tossing Namjoon his sweatshirt. "I'm sorry, Joon hyung. I'll talk to you later," I said, walking Yoongi inside and up the stairs. He desperately tried to get out of my grip, but it just wasn't going to happen for him. "Fucking football player, I swear to god," I heard him say under his breath before finally giving up and laying limp over my shoulder. Cute.

I brought him into his room, closed the door and sat him on the bed. "The fuck was that hyung?" I asked, crossing my arms and looking down at him. "What the hell do you mean? He took advantage of you, Tae. Jimin told me what happened. You got drunk and slept with him. He should fucking know better," he replied, still visibly fuming with rage.

"First of all, Yoongi, we didn't sleep together. Well- we did- but we didn't have sex. Even if we did, why would it matter to you, Hyung? You have your own relationship and shit to deal with," I said. He scoffed at me and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, those marks all over your neck are a great shade on you, Tae. Did you think it went well with your outfit or something?"

I heard him sigh and I started to feel bad when he saw how I reacted to that. I felt like he was treating me as if I just walked out and let myself get fucked. "Listen, Taehyungie... I was only so angry because I know you. I know you, and I know you wouldn't just go out, get drunk, and lose your virginity like that. You wouldn't want it that way. I can't even imagine you going out to get drunk, let alone going to a party. We could barely even get you to homecoming, and you only drink when when there's no one but me and Jimin around. What else am I supposed to think other than Namjoon taking advantage of you somehow? I know you only see the good in people but-" "Hyung. Thank you for.. for protecting me and knowing me like that, but it really didn't happen. I've just been in a funk recently and Jimin convinced me to go out, so I did. I just needed a fucking break, Hyung. A break from everything.. so yeah I did go out and I did get drunk. Namjoon was actually the one who told me to take it easy on the drinks. He wasn't in the right state of mind either, so we did wind up making out pretty intensely, but we didn't go further. We stopped ourselves and ended up talking about some things instead. I don't remember too much, but if anything else happened, I'd have some recollection of it, or I think I'd at least feel sore or something," I explained.

"I'm sorry... I should've let you explain in the first place, Tae," he said, looking down with a small pout. "Yeah, you should've.. but what's done is done. Now, I think you should apologize to Namjoon hyung," I said, sitting down next to him on the bed. He stayed silent at that, but I didn't try to pry at him. He knew the truth, and that's what really mattered. The rest was out of my hands. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Will you stay?" he asked, eyes wide, looking up at me. "I'm sorry that finals got in the way of our friendship, but god, Taehyungie, I missed you so much," he said, sighing at the end. Yeah... finals got in the way. I smiled and nodded softly.

We caught up on a lot of things. We didn't even have time for video games with how much we talked. The day ended with me snuggled up to Yoongi again. I know that to him they were only friendly cuddles, but to me they meant so much more. It was like a piece of me that I lost had finally been restored.

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